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1、构件在外力的作用下抵抗破坏的能力称为构件的 2、杆件在外力的作用下产生的变形有轴向拉伸与压缩
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一、选择题 1.图示机构中有虚约束
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一.填空题(25分,每题1分) 1.两构件之间为接触的运动副称为低副,引入一个低副将带入个约束
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荆州职业技术学院:《机械设计基础》课程教学资源(电子教案)第六章 齿轮传动
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Be aware of what is selling and buying Be aware of the sales process Know how to negotiate on the phone Know how to negotiate an international deal
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Objectives When the learners finish learning this unit, they should be able to: ask for and give information make and answer enquiries make and accept offers place, acknowledge and fill orders
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Objectives When finishing learning this unit, you should be able to: Deal with some kinds of problems encountered in business. Complain and apologize by letter, fax or e--mail
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一、煤炭开采的发展历史 开采利用煤炭已有几千年的历史,早在公元 前500多年的春秋战国时期,煤炭已经成为一种重要产品
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