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Thus, to find Nash equilibria in IN=N, A(Si)), uin, we use the conditions: for ach player i (1)he is indifferent among all strategies in St,and (2)any strategy in St is at least as good as any strategy in S Example 3.7.(Meeting in an Airport ). Mr Wang and Ms Yang are to meet in an irport. However, they do not know whether they are to meet at door a or door B. The payoffs are specified in the following
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一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题2分共40分,错选、多选、未选均不得分) 1、在液压传动系统中,油泵为【】 A、动力元件B、执行元件C、控制元件D、辅助元件
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一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分,错选、多选、未选均不得分) 1、在液压传动系统中,油泵为【】 A、动力元件B、执行元件C、控制元件D、辅助元件
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一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)错选、多选、未选均不得分。 1、在如图1所示的齿轮一凸轮轮系中,轴4称为【】 A、零件B、机械C、构件D、部件
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.下列函数的极大值点和极小值点: (1)f(x,y) (2)f(x,y)=3axy-x3-y2(a>0) (3)f(x,y) (a,b>0) (4)f(x,y)=e2(x+y2+2y)
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1预备知识:上极限和下极限 对于一个有界数列{an},去掉他的最初k项以后,剩下来的依旧是一个有界数列,记 B=sup{a4+,a+2…} a4=inf{(a4+,a+2,…} 显然,数列{}是单调减少的,{a}是单调增加的,所以这两个数列的极限存在
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1 热辐射特点 (1)定义:由热运动产生的,以电磁波形式传递的能量; (2)特点:a任何物体,只要温度高于0K,就会不 停地向周围空间发出热辐射;b可以在真空中传 播;c伴随能量形式的转变;d具有强烈的方向性 e辐射能与温度和波长均有关;f发射辐射取决于 温度的4次方
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选择题 1、某企业2月6日以银行存款预付第二季度办公室租金20000元,则2月6日按权责发生 制应编制会计分录() A、借:管理费用10000 贷:银行存款1000 B、借:预提费用1000
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Lesson 3 Analyzing and Recording Accounting Transactions Exercises 1. Identify the effects, if any, of each of the following items of information on assets, liabilities, owners'equity, revenues, or expenses. Indicate effects with a plus or minus sign. If no adjustment is needed, write\no entry\. a. Earned $9,200 by providing services to customers in exchange for cash. b. Used cash to prepay 12 months of office rent, $2,400
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一、填空题(每空1分,共20分) 1.(62)10=()2=()8421BCD码 2.已知函数Y=(A,B,C)=m(134,5),可知使=0的输入变量最小项有个
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