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Nutrition Basal matabolism Maintain basic physiologic activity Energy Special motility for food digestion peristalsis infant 7%-8% digestion absorption elder children 5%
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Weather derivatives: Definitions Heating degree days (HDD): For each day this is max(o, 65-4)where a is the average of the highest and lowest temperature in°F Cooling Degree Days(CDD): For each day this is max( o, A-65)
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Temperature: measure of the motion of the individual atoms and molecules in a gas liquid or solid related to average kinetic energy of constituents High temperature: constituents are moving around energetically
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New Words dedicate:give, devote(one's time, energy, life, etc. to a noble cause or purpose If you dedicate yourself to something you decide to give a lot of time and effort to it because you think it is important
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Similar to Viruses Atypical Agents Small Filterable Need host cells No machinery for energy generation of protein synthesis
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Thermal Sciences and Mechanical Engineering Sections 1 Introduction, 2. The Concept of Temperature 3. Heat Transfer 4. Thermodynamics, 5. Thermal Deformation, 6. Heat Treatment 7. Energy and Environment, 8 Summary Objectives
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For a molecular simulation or model you need 1. a representation of the protein 2. An energy function 3. a search algorithm or optimizer
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I. Choose the Correct Answer . real engine has an efficiency of33%. The engine has work output of2 4J4 per cycle.how much heat energy is extracted from the high-temperature reservoir per cycle? (D) (A)8J
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Winds provide the energy to set the 1940 Tacoma Narrows Bridge motion Oscillations travel to the central span and reflected from support towers. By the principle of superposition the primary and reflected waves turn into a standing torsional wave
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1.了解化学变化过程中的热效应、恒容反应热和恒压反应热的概念与测定;会写热化学方程式; 2.初步了解焓的概念,知道焓变是化学反应自发过程的一种驱动力; 3.会进行有关热化学的一般计算; 4.初步了解熵、熵变和绝对熵的概念,知道熵变是化学反应的自发过程的另一种驱动力; 5.初步了解热力学第一、第二、第三定律的概念; 6.初步了解吉布斯自由能及吉布斯-亥姆霍兹方程,初步学会用其判据化学反应的自发性; 7.掌握化学平衡状态及标准平衡常数概念,会进行简单的化学平衡移动判断及有关计算。 3.1 热化学和焓 Thermochemistry and enthalpy 3.2 熵和熵变—反应自发性的另一种判据 Entropy and entropy change — judgment for spontaneous reaction 3.3 自由能——反应自发性的最终判据 Free energy-the determined criterion for the spontaneous process 3.4 平衡状态和标准平衡常数Equilibrium and standard equilibrium constant
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