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addict [ E5dikt ]vt.使沉溺, 使上瘾(to devote or surrender oneself to something) [搭配用法] addict to (smoking, alcohol, television) =devoted to sth.;having (sth.) as a strong, almost unbreakable habit compromise[ 5kCmprEmaiz ] 1.v.妥协, 折衷(to settle by concession) 2. 使遭受损害,使蒙受耻 辱(to put sb. In a position of harm or difficulty)
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I. 词义随着时间的变迁,产生了变化,出现了 一词多义的现象。词义的变化主要有两种方式。 若干个不同的新义,从同一个原义引申出来, 叫做radiation, “反射式变化”;例如head, 从 “头部”的原义,引申为“首脑
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Lesson 1: Excuse me! Excuse me! Yes? Is this your handbag? Pardon? Is this your handbag? Yes, it is. Thank you very much
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Main idea of the text and devices for developing it Main idea of each part and devices for developing it New words
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《专业英语 English for Special Purpose》课程PPT教学课件:论文的英文写作简介
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一、转译成主语 1. 宾语转译成主语(动词宾语和介词宾语) Water has a density of 62.4 pounds per cubic foot.. 2. 表语转译成主语 Rubber is a better dielectric but a poorer insulator than air
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1. Modernism: The twentieth century was marked by the two World Wars, the direct result of the conflicts between rival imperialist countries and their ambition to dominate the world. Roughly speaking, the development of English literature in the twentieth century can be divided into two stages, that is
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1. Historical background The Elizabeth Age (1558-1603): England enjoyed peaceful development under the rule of Queen Elizabeth I, who maintained a balance of between the Protestants and the Catholics
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Teaching assistant: Requirement: Write in English with correct grammar. Expressions made of only keywords piled together are NOT acceptable. Leave no chance for guessing
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