Related Titles from WILEY-VCH H. Gunzler and H.-U. Gremlich (eds) IR Spectroscopy 2002. ca. 361 pages. Hardcover. ISBN 3-527-28896-1 . Siesler, Y. Ozaki, S. Kawata and H. M. Heise (eds) Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Principles, Instruments, Applications 2001. ca. 348 pages
Example 2: Find the three inductance appearing in the T equivalent of the transformer shown in Fig., if L2=4H and the input inductance at A-B is 6H with C-D open-circuited, and 2H with C-D short-circuited
Biodegradation of xenobiotics H DDT: dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (an organochlorine) -SCHCOOC H Xenobiotics are chemically CHO CH22COOC2H Malathion; mercaptosuccinic acid diethyl ester synthesized compounds that (an organophosphate) have never been existed
2.7 Some Important Crystallographic Formulas 1. Zone and zone equation All Planes parellel to common axis [uvw] constitute a (crystal) zone, the [u v w] zone. If (h k l) belongs to zone [u v w], then hukv+=0 2.ifhuk+hw=0,then[uvw] lies in(hk) 3. For cubic crystals, [h (h k)