WHAT IS ASPEN? A computer program for steady-state process simulation (a.k. process Flowsheeting) Developed for the simulation of Chemical Petrochemical Processes Coal-based Processes Petroleum Refining Polymer Processes One of many commercially available flowsheeting programs such as PROII (Simulation Sciences) HYSIM (Hyprotech)
WHAT IS ASPEN? A computer program for steady-state process simulation (a.k. process Flowsheeting) Developed for the simulation of Chemical Petrochemical Processes Coal-based Processes Petroleum Refining Polymer Processes One of many commercially available flowsheeting programs such as PROII (Simulation Sciences) HYSIM (Hyprotech) ChemCad(Chemstation)
Definition gestational trophoblastic disease(GTD)is a group of disease originated from placental villose trophoblastic cells, including hydatidiform mole, invasive mole, choriocarci- noma and a kind of less common trophoblastic cell tumor in placenta
HEAT EXCHANGER NETWORK SYNTHESIS 1: TARGETING OBJECTIVES: 1 Determine the minimum energy inputs required for a process 2Determine the minimum number of heat exchangers required to transfer this energy 3Develop a methodology for determining where these heat exchangers should be placed in the process
ENGINEERING ECONOMICS II INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Companies(and individuals) invest money in order to earn money Examples Build a factory to make washing machines and dryers → Open laundromat Write novel(what is being invested here?) Get a degree in chemical engineering
Handout 2: Gain and Phase margins Eric Feron Feb6,2004 Nyquist plots and Cauchy's principle Let H(s) be a transfer function. eg H(s)= s2+s+1 (s+1)(s+3) Evaluate H on a contour in the s-plane. (your plots here)
INTRODUCTION A. Types of Material Balance Problems B. Historical Perspective I. CONSERVATION OF MASS 5 A. Control Volumes B. Holdup or Inventory . Material Balance Basis D. Material Balances II. PROCESSES