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吉林大学:《综合英语精读》课程PPT教学课件(四)Book 4 lesson 2 A Dill Pickle
文档格式:DOCX 文档大小:115.58KB 文档页数:6
《综合英语 Comprehensive English》课程教学资源(Close Reading)Unit 2 Science vs Li_Why do we need the liberal arts
文档格式:DOCX 文档大小:13.25KB 文档页数:2
《综合英语 Comprehensive English》课程教学资源(科技)discussion 2 Deathless data
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:152.06KB 文档页数:4
《综合英语 Comprehensive English》课程教学资源(Close Reading)Unit 2 Science vs Li_The Nature of Scientific Reasoning
文档格式:DOCX 文档大小:24.18KB 文档页数:4
《综合英语 Comprehensive English》课程教学资源(Close Reading)Unit 2 Science vs Li_The Nature of Scientific Reasoning
文档格式:DOCX 文档大小:19.86KB 文档页数:4
《综合英语 Comprehensive English》课程教学资源(Close Reading)Unit 2 Science vs Li_Save Liberal Arts
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:130KB 文档页数:16
1. An animal of any kind 2 Catch 3. Give up 4. Very noticeably 5. On purpose, intentionally; 6. Remove or get rid of completely 7. Cause some change, inf luence;
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:79KB 文档页数:8
武汉工程大学:《综合英语》(英文版) Final For English Majors 2003 (Level 2)(A)
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:9.54MB 文档页数:43
1 Background of the text 2 Try to answer the following questions 3 Text structure 4 Language points 5 Analysis the long sentences in the text
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.93MB 文档页数:53
1 Background of the text 2 Text comprehension 3 Text structure 4 Language points 5 Analysis the long sentences in the text
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