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Introduction The single term ‘milling’, applied in the con￾text of cereals, covers a wide range of processes. In general they are methods of transforming whole grains into forms suitable for consumption or for conversion into consumable products. Milling processes do not themselves involve intentional heating, although in some cases, as in oat processing, a heating phase precedes the milling, and in maize dry milling a drying phase is included
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Primitive man, a nomadic hunter and gatherer of fruits and nuts, started to settle down and abandon his nomadic life when, in Neolithic times, he discovered how to sow the seeds of grasses and, in due time, reap a crop of ‘cereal grains’. With this change in his way of life came the beginnings of civilization which, in western Europe, is based on a diet relying on wheat, wheaten flour, and the baked products made from flour, the principal product being bread
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Pasta Cooking quality of pasta Pasta is the collective term used to describe Particle size of the semolina is an important products such as macaroni, spaghetti, vermicelli, characteristic: it is recommended that at least 90% noodles etc. which are traditionally made from of the particles should fall between 150 pm and the semolina milled from hard durum wheat (T. 340 pm in size. Particles larger than 340 pm durum) (cf. p. 154 for milling of semo). The impede the activity of enzymes in the dough
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Wet milling of cereal grains differs fundament￾ally from dry milling in being a maceration process in which physical and chemical changes occur in the nature of the basic constituents - starch, protein and cell wall material - in order to bring about a complete dissociation of the endosperm cell contents with the release of the starch granules from the protein network
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Introduction elements. Also cereal proteins are deficient in certain essential amino acids, notably lysine. Cereals however are rarely consumed alone, and ally compensate for each other’s deficiencies. While it is indisputable that individuals and populations should consume the right amounts of nutrients to avoid symptoms of deficiency and excess, defining those ‘right amounts’ is not easy
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Introduction two categories: wheat, oats, rice and sorghum, of which about 7% of the entire crop in each case is used for industrial purposes, and barley, rye, (12-15%) is used industrially. The wor1dwide usage Of all the cereds’ gathered Sheets, is about 4% for seed, and the remainder almost equally shared between human food use (49%) and animal feed plus ‘processing and other’ (principally industrial) use (47%). The last cate￾gory divides into about 37% for animal feed plus
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Cereals are prepared for consumption by domestic processing on a small scale in many parts of the world, but particularly in the less industrialized countries. The types of cereal grains so used are principally wheat, maize, sorghum and the millets, each of which finds greatest use in those countries in which it grows indigenously
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All cereals contain a large proportion of starch. In its natural form, the starch is insoluble, tasteless, and unsuited for human consumption. To make it digestible and acceptable it must be cooked. Breakfast cereals are products that are consumed after cooking, and they fall into two categories: those made by a process that does not include cooking and which therefore have to be cooked domestically (hot cereals) and those which
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The essential process involved in brewing is the conversion of cereal starch into alcohol to make a palatable, intoxicating beverage. Fermen￾tation is mediated by yeasts appropriate to the cereal or cereals involved. Most yeasts used belong to the species Saccharomyces cerevisiae
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(expressed as percentages of the wheat) from a well-equipped and well-adjusted mill in the U.K. yield of the individual flour streams is also shown. Flour streams with the lowest ash yield (e.g. group 1 in Table 7.1) may be described as ‘patent’ flour. Those from the end of the milling process In the milling of cereals by the gradual reduc￾machine in the break, scratch and reduction
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