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“绿色健康,“酶”力无限 医药、洗涤剂、纺织、淀粉制糖、发酵、酒精、食 品(包括果蔬汁、啤酒酿造、谷物食品、蛋白水解 和功能食品以及食用油脂)、饲料、皮革、造纸和 化工等工业领域
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AACC(American Association of Cereal Chemists Inc) Abbreviations x, xi, xu characteristics 226-227 Abrasion malt 223 Ale alcohol in 296 standards 182-184 Aleurone 164, 184, 220 as conditioning aid 124 as milling process 129-130 ash 184 barley 162
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I. Cereal crops: economics, statistics and uses 1 2. Botanical aspects of cereals 29 3. Chemical components 53 4. Cereals of the world: origin, classijication, types, quality 78
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AN INTRODUCTION FOR STUDENTS OF FOOD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE FOURTH EDITION N. L. KENT Sometime Scholar of Emmanuel College, Cambridge Formerly at the Flour Milling and Baking Research Association
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AACC American Association of Cereal C.S.I.R. Council for Scientific and Industrial ACP acid calcium phosphate CSL calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate ADA azodicarbonamide CTAB cetyl trimethylammonium bromide ADD activated dough development CWAD Canadian Western Amber Durum
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《谷物食品技术 Technology of Cereals》课程教学资源(参考书籍,英文版,第四版)03 Chemical Components
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Cereals are cultivated grasses that grow through￾out the temperate and tropical regions of the world. As members of the Gramineae (or grass family) they share the following characteristics, but these are developed to different degrees in the various members:
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Wheat derived from separate ancestors, and which differ in chromosome numbers. One classification of the races, with the probable wild types, chromo￾some numbers (2n) and the cultivated forms is shown in Table
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