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《谷物食品技术 Technology of Cereals》课程教学资源(参考书籍,英文版,第四版)Contents

I. Cereal crops: economics, statistics and uses 1 2. Botanical aspects of cereals 29 3. Chemical components 53 4. Cereals of the world: origin, classijication, types, quality 78

Contents ABBREVIATIONS,UNITS,EQUIVALENTS 1 Cereal crops: economics, statistics and u 2. Botanical aspects of cereals 3. Chemical component 4. Cereals of the world: origin, classification, types, quality 5. Storage and pre-processing 6. Dry milling technology 129 7. Flour quality 170 8. Bread-baking technology 191 9. Malting, brewing and distilling 10. Pasta and whole grain foods 233 11. Breakfast cereals and other products ofextrusion cooking 12. Wet milling: starch and gluten 259

Contents ABBREVIATIONS, UNITS, EQUIVALENTS X I. Cereal crops: economics, statistics and uses 1 2. Botanical aspects of cereals 29 3. Chemical components 53 4. Cereals of the world: origin, classijication, types, quality 78 5. Storage and pre-processing 103 6. Dry milling technology 129 7. Flour quality 170 8. Bread-baking technology 191 9. Malting, brewing and distilling 218 10. Pasta and wholegrain foods 233 11. Breakfast cereals and other products of extrusion cooking 244 12. Wet milling: starch and gluten 259

TECHNOLOGY OF CEREALS 13. Domestic and small scale products 269 14. Nutrition 15. Feed and industrial uses for cereals INDEX

vi TECHNOLOGY OF CEREALS 13. Domestic and small scale products 269 14. Nutrition 276 15. Feed and industrial uses for cereals 302 INDEX 316



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