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Importance of Good Communication o Good communication allows a firm to a Learn new skills and technologies a Become more responsive to customers Improve quality of their product or service Foster innovation eFfective communication is needed by all Managers Irwin/McGraw-Hill
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Information and the Manager e Data raw facts such as the number of customers Information: data arranged in a meaningful fashion Good information possesses these attributes o Information Quality: measures information accuracy and reliabilit
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Innovation, Technological Change and Competition Technology refers to the skills, knowledge experience, body of scientific knowledge, tools, computers, machines used in the design and production of goods and services. Ouantum technological change: fundamental shift in technology that results in innovation The Internet and genetic engineering are examples
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A1 Husbands Wives Redefinition and adjustment of both husband's and wife's needs and values in contemporary British society. The effects of newly-emerging work patterns upon the roles of husbands and wives within the family
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Lecture Notes one A Brief Introduction of the Great Britain Guide This tourism and travel guide for London, featuring hotels, street maps. restaurants, tours, attractions and more will help you plan a successful trip to London, England, United Kingdom. London is a city of contrasts- steeped in history and tradition and yet always at the forefront of contemporary fashion
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1、李侃、龚书铎:《中华近代史》,中华书局 2005 年版。 2、陈廷湘:《中国现代史》,四川大学出版社 2002 年版。 3、《毛泽东选集》第 1、2、3、4 卷,人民出版社 1991 年版
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The diffusion of new products and new processes of production within and between business enterprises is clearly one of the fundamental aspects of the process of growth and transformation of contemporary economies It is well known that the diffusion of new products and processes takes varying lengths of time: some economic agents adopt very early after the development of an innovation while others sometimes do it only after decades
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Death and dying in contemporary societyan evaluation of current attitudes and the rituals associated with death and dying and their relevance to recent understanding of health and healing
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北京大学:《中国当代文学 Contemporary Chinese Literature》课程教学资源(试卷习题)期末考试样题(答案)
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北京大学:《中国当代文学 Contemporary Chinese Literature》课程教学资源(教案讲义)第一编 十七年文学 第二章 诗歌创作
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