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General Operating Procedure Before pumping oily water into the separator it is important that the separator is completely filled with clean water, either direct from the sea or through the filling valve provided for this purpose. It is essential to keep the lower internal surfaces and outer chamber from becoming coated with oil
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6.2 Pumping considerations Since the rate of separation depends on the oil globule size it will be appreciated that any disintegration of oil globules in the oily feed to the separator should be avoided and this factor can be seriously affected by the type and rating of the pump used. Tests were carried out by a British government research establishment some years ago on the suitability of various pumps for separator feed duties (Double vane, Triple screw and Single vane )
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(1) Subject to the provisions of regulations 10 and l1 of this Annex and paragraph (2) of this regulation, any discharge into the sea of oil or oily mixtures from ships to which this Annex applies shall be prohibited except when all the following conditions are satisfied a) for an oil tanker, except as provided for in subparagraph (b) of this paragraph :
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Significant features: DVZ - JET WASH oil drainage Self-cleaning with sea water using a reversible pump Automatic electrode cleaning DBGM 8404946 Utilization of the adhesion tendency of oil to aid separation
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The only difference between a fat and an edible oil is that at ambient temperature a fat is semi-solid, and appears more or less firm to the touch, and an oil is liquid. They are both of similar general chemical composition. Edible oils are completely different in chemical form to mineral oils that are used as fuels or for lubrication. Most mineral oils are hazardous to human health and should not be even a small
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I. Explain the italicized words or phrases in the following sentences. (20%) 1. Ancient girders creak and groan, ropes tighten and then a trickle of oil oozes down a stone runnel into a used petrol can
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一、石油的概念 石油(又称原油)-crude oil:一种存在于地下岩石孔隙介质中的由各种碳氢 化合物与杂质组成的,呈液态和稠态的油脂状天然可燃有机矿产。 组成石油的成分非常复杂,根据其不同的特性,可分为元素组成、馏分组成、组 分组成和化合物组成,三者有相互关系;依据石油中各种结构类型化合物的含量,可对石 油进行分类;不同环境下生成的石油,比如海陆相石油的特征有明显的区别;石油没有固 定的成分,因此石油没有确定的物理参数,石油的物理性质取决于它的化学组成
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Care of the microscope Dos 1. Do take special care to protect the microscope from dust in hot dry periods 2. Do take special care to protect the microscope lenses and prisms from fungal growth in hot humid periods 3. Do clean the immersion oil from the immersion objective each time, use lens tissue dampened with ethanol
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Organizational Environment Organizational Environment: those forces outside its boundaries that can impact it. Forces can change over time and are made up of Opportunities and Threats. Opportunities: openings for managers to enhance revenues or open markets. New technologies, new markets and ideas. Threats: issues that can harm an organization. economic recessions, oil shortages
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1. Special in Guilin Guilin Three Treasures: Fermented Bean Curd; Chilli Sauce; Sanhua Liquor Guilin rice noodle Yao Minorities'Oil Tea Yangshuo beer fish Fish from the clear water of Li River, Lingchuan dog meat Lipu steamed port with taro Stewed duck with gingko nuts Guilin field snails
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