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a Positivism / Anti-positivism Chapter one Auguste comte the law of human progress the theological---the metaphysical--- the positive social statics and social dynamics
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Schumpeter: Law of Nature as a Social Science 自然法”这个题目对于所有社 会科学的起源和早期历史都具 有极为重要的意义”,这首先 是因为”自然法哲学家试图建 立一门综合性的社会科学即试 图创立一种有关社会的综合性 理论涉及社会的所有方面和所 有问题 社会科学起源于自然法概念
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《社会心理学》课程教学资源(文献资料)Aggression——The Salience of Social Referents - A Field Experiment on Collective Norms and Harassment Behavior in a School Social Network
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《社会心理学》课程教学资源(文献资料)group processes——Social Loafing and Social Compensation - The Effects of Expectations of Co-Worker Performance
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《社会心理学》课程教学资源(文献资料)social cognition——Culture and cause - American and Chinese Attributions for Social and Physical Events
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《社会心理学》课程教学资源(文献资料)social self——Depression and Social Identity - An Integrative Review
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清华大学:Computational Models for Social Network Analysis(PPT讲稿)mining big social networks(Part III:Group and Structure)
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• Introduction, Motivations, and Challenges • Networks & Community Detection • Community Search (4 Parts) – Densely-connected community search – Attributed community search – Social circle discovery – Querying geo-social groups • Future Work & Open Problems
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❖ Wikipedia and Social Knowledge Dynamics ❖ Previous Work on Wikipedia – Degree distribution – Reciprocity and feedback loops – Motifs ❖ Modeling Wikipedia’s Growth – A model about reference – A model about degree distribution ❖ AOC-based Models ❖ Conclusion
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《社会研究方法 Methods of Social Research》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)社工案例分析 Casework Analysis in Social Work - Individuals, families, and groups
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