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一、模型参数的线性约束 二、对回归模型增加或减少解释变量 三、参数的稳定性 *四、非线性约束
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一、模型的类型与变换 二、非线性回归实例
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4.1 多重共线性的实例、定义、产生背景 4.2 多重共线性产生的后果 4.3 多重共线性的检验 4.4 多重共线性的修正 4.5 违反三个假定的总结
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一、E(Y)的置信区间 二、Y的置信区间
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《计量经济学 Econometrics》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)Linear Models for Panel Data
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一、拟合优度检验 二、方程的显著性检验(F检验) 三、变量的显著性检验(t检验) 四、参数的置信区间
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一、关于总体与样本 总体根据一定目的确定的所要研究对象的全体称为总体或母体;
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Why study econometrics? Rare in economics(and many other areas without labs! ) to have experimental data Need to use nonexperimental. or observational data to make inferences eImportant to be able to apply economic theory to real world data Economics 20- Prof. Anderson
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One CLRM assumption is: The model used in empirical analysis is \correctly specified\
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11.1 The Nature of Heteroscedasticity Homoscedasticity: equal variance. Heteroscedasticity: unequal variance. Heteroscedasticity is usually found in cross-sectional data
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