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This is an open-notes exam However, calculators are not allowed You may assume all results from lecture the notes, problem sets and recitation Write your solutions in the space provided. If you need more space, write on the back of the sheet containing the problem Be neat and write legibly. You will be
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As aerosols are important sources of infection, care should be taken to reduce the extent of their formation and dispersion Hazardous aerosols can be generated by many laboratory operations, e.g. blending, mixing, grinding, shaking, stirring, sonicating and centrifuging of infectious materials. Even when safe equipment is used, it is best to carry out these operations in an approved biological safety cabinet whenever possible
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Conditional Probability Suppose that we pick a random person in the world. Everyone has an equal chance of being selected. Let A be the event that the person is an MIT student, and let B be the event that the person lives in Cambridge. What are the probabilities of these events? Intuitively
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1 Case analysis The proof of a statement can sometimes be broken down into can be tackled individually 1.1 The method In order to prove a proposition P using case analysis Write, We use case analysis Identify a sequence of conditions, at least one of which must hold. (If this is not obvious, you must prove it
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In this lab session, the cantilever and fixed-fixed beams will be mechanically tested to determ material and device performance characteristics. The structures will be mechanically loaded the corresponding deflection measured. From the load versus deflection curves, an effective
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Types of options A call is an option to buy A put is an option to sell A European option can be exercised only at the end of its life An American option can be exercised at any time
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2003年12月全国大学英语四级考试真题和答案 Part I Listening Comprehension(20 minutes) Section a Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only
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Cloning vectors: 克隆载体 to clone a gene in a vector Expression vectors: 表达载体 to express a gene from a vector Integration vectors: 整合载体 to integrate a gene in a genome through a vector Cloning vectors 1 Plasmid vecters 2 Bacteriophage vectors 3 Cosmids & BACs 4 Eukaryotic vectors Cloning vectors: allowing the exogenous DNA to be inserted, stored, and manipulated mainly at DNA level. expression vectors: allowing the exogenous DNA to be inserted, stored, and expressed
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Sections Threaded fasteners and power screws Rivets Springs Sliding Bearings Rolling-Element Bearings Spur Gears Helical Bevel and worm gears Threaded Fasteners and Power screws Classes of Fasteners They may be classified into two broad categories: Removable and Permanent Removable Fasteners are defined as those that can be easily removed with hand tools and without damaging any parts. Ordinary nuts and bolts are typical examples
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Part Listening Comprehension (20 minutes) Directions: In this section, you will hear ten short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A),),C) and D),and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center
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