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麻省理工大学:《Systems Biology》Note final ps For question 2(a)the

Note final ps For question 2(a)the value of k'in the final equation(Eq 3b) needs to be rescaled Tuesday lecture will be for questions on the last problem set Juan)

Note final ps For question 2(a)the value of k'in the final equation(Eq 3b) needs to be rescaled Tuesday lecture will be for questions on the last problem set Juan) No recitation on Wednesday Next Thursday will be the last lecture Topic Modeling drospholia development

- Note Final PS For question 2(a) the value of 'k' in the final equation (Eq. 3b) needs to be rescaled.’ - Tuesday Lecture will be for questions on the last problem set (Juan) - No recitation on Wednesday - Next Thursday will be the last lecture Topic “Modeling drospholia development’ 1

Systems Microbiology the single cell as a well-stirred bio-reactor the importance of diffusion and Systems Cell Biology gradients for cellular regulation in a single cell Systems Developmental How to build a multicellular Biology organism from single cells Cell-Cell communication

Systems Microbiology Systems Cell Biology Systems Developmental Biology the single cell as a well-stirred bio-reactor the importance of diffusion and gradients for cellular regulation in a single cell How to build a multicellular organism from single cells Cell-Cell communication 2

Quorum sensing in bacteria a tractable experimental system for cell- cell communication Image removed due to copyright considerations

Quorum sensing in bacteria: a tractable experimental system for cell-cell communication Image removed due to copyright considerations. 3

N-acyl-L-homoserine lactones(ALs) are the main signalling molecules Image removed due to copyright considerations

N-acyl-L-homoserine lactones (AHLs) are the main signalling molecules Image removed due to copyright considerations. 4

EXample of engineering cell-cell communication TYou et al. Nature 428, 868 (2004 mage removed due to copyright considerations. See You, L, R.S. Cox 3rd, R. Weiss, and F. H. Arnold Programmed population control by cell-cell communication and regulated killing Nature428,no.6985(Apr22,2004):868-71.Epub2004Apr04

Example of engineering cell-cell communication [You et al. Nature 428, 868 (2004)] Image removed due to copyright considerations. See You, L., R. S. Cox 3rd, R. Weiss, and F. H. Arnold. Nature 428, no. 6985(Apr 22, 2004): 868-71. Epub 2004 Apr 04. "Programmed population control by cell-cell communication and regulated killing." 5



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