6.1 Basic conceptions (基本概念) 6.2 Phase change Process of Pure Substance (纯质的 相变过程) 6.3 Property Tables (水蒸气性质表) 6.4 h-s diagrams for Water Vapor (水蒸气的h-s图) 6.5 Thermodynamic Processes of Water Vapor (水蒸气的热力过程)
8.1 声速与马赫数 Velocity of Sound and Mach Number 8.2 一维定熵稳定流动 One dimensional Isentropic Steady Flow 8.3 喷管出口流速和流量的计算 Outlet Velocity and Flow rate Calculation for Nozzles 8.4具有摩擦的绝热稳定流动 Adiabatic steady flow with friction 8.5 绝热节流 Adiabatic throttling