16810(16682) Engineering Design and Rapid Prototyping Design optimization - Structural Design Optimization Instructor(s) Prof, olivier de Weck Dr. Il Yong Kim
Introduction to Manufacturing a Manufacturing is the physica/ realization of the previously designed parts Metrics to assess the\ performance\of mfg Quality does it meet specifications?
Plan for Today CAD Lecture(ca 50 min) CAD History, Background Some theory of geometrical representation SolidWorks Introduction(ca. 40 min) Follow along step-by-step Create CAD model of your part(ca. 90 min) Work in teams of two Use hand sketch as starting point
IG Aln Happy New Year 2004 UHF ndio REM telecom HW \ Front SSPA Mars Rovers mEr-a \ Spirit landed Sat 1/3 11 35pm ET Body structure (Warm Electronics BoxWeb).Refhttp://marsrovers.jplnasagov (imAgeistakenfromNasa'SWebsitehttp://www.nasa.gov.) We won' t be designing a mars rover this iap, but You will learn about the design process and fundamenta