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1.一个半径为 R 的电介质球 极化强度 P=K 2 r r 电容率为 (1)计算束缚电荷的体密度和面密度 (2)计算自由电荷体密度 (3)计算球外和球内的电势 (4)求该带电介质球产生的静电场总能量
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1.证明牛顿定律在伽利略交换下是协变的,麦克斯韦方程在伽利略变换下不是协变的。 证明:根据题意,不妨取如下两个参考系,并取分别固着于两参考系的直角坐标系,且令t =0时,两坐标系对应轴重合,计时开始后,∑系沿∑系的x轴以速度v作直线运动 根据伽利略变换,有:
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Good to see you. I am sorry I am not able to be there for your birthday. Jackie and I really loved our visit last year, and I am sure we would have enormously enjoyed what I expect will be a great party, but at the moment we have a previous engagement somewhere in Thailand. I have known Claudio since he was a mere lad of 22, a young graduate student of Johnnie Wheeler when I first came to Princeton. He then stayed on as an Assistant
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§1 引言 §2 非简并定态微扰理论 §3 简并微扰理论 §4 变分法 §5 含时微扰理论 §6 量子跃迁几率 §7 光的发射和吸收
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1若把麦克斯韦方程组的所有矢量都分解为无旋的纵场)和无散的(横场)两部分,写出E利 B的这两部分在真空所满足的方程式,并证明电场的无旋部分对应于库仑场
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1. 根据算符∇ 的微分性与矢量性 推导下列公式 A B B A B A A B A B r r r r r r r r r r ∇( ⋅ ) = × (∇ × ) + ( ⋅∇) + × (∇ × ) + ( ⋅∇) A A A A A r r r r r ( ) 2
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§5.6与时间有关的微扰理论 §5.7跃迁几率 §5.8光的发射与吸收 §5.9 选择定则 §5.10 变分法
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1885巴尔默 (Johann Jakob Balmer,1825-1898)发现能够描述四种光谱 波长的公式,后来 Angstrom发现这些谱线属于氢原子 1893维恩 Wilhelm Carl Werner Otto fritz franz Wien,1864-1928)在实验 上发现热体最大辐射的波长反比于温度(维恩定律)。维恩在炉子上钻 了一个小孔,模拟理论黑体
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我一生中最具革命性的思想 “根据这里的假设,当一束光从点光源发出时,它的能量不是随体积增大而连续分布, 而是包含一定数量的能量量子,这些能量量子在空间的局域存在,不随运动而分裂,并只作 为一个整体被吸收和发射
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Nobel Lecture december 13. 1946 The history of the discovery of the exclusion principle m, for which I have received the honor of the Nobel Prize award in the year 1945, goes back to my students days in Munich. While, in school in Vienna, I had already ob- tained some knowledge of classical physics and the then new Einstein rel- ativity theory, it was at the University of Munich that I was introduced by Sommerfeld to the structure of the atom- somewhat strange from the point of view of classical physics. I was not spared the which every
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