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The nucleus is the biggest and most important organelle of the cell. The presence of the nucleus is the principal feature that distinguishes eukaryotic from prokaryotic cells Almost eukaryotic cells have the nucleus except mature red blood cells of mammals and sieve cells of high plants etc.. By housing the cell's genome, the nucleus serves both as the repository of genetic information and as the control
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发育生物学(Development Biology)是在胚胎学基础上,结合了细胞生物学、遗传学、生物化学和分子生物学等诸多现代生物学分支学科及各种现代生物学技术手段,研究生物发育本质的科学。 一. 学习医学发育生物学的意义 二. 医学发育生物学的研究/学习内容(相关概念、特征、基本规律和科学问题) 三. 教学安排
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第一节 发酵罐 一 发酵罐的定义 二 发酵罐的种类 三 几种好氧发酵罐的结构及其特点 第二节 生物反应器(了解) 一、动物细胞培养用生物反应器 二、植物细胞培养用生物反应器
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7.4.1 Two types of proteins: 7.4.2 Protens synthesized can move or transport between compartments in different ways 7.4.3 Soluble proteins destined for secretion or residence within the lysosomal and other EMS vacuolate lumens 7.4.4. Proteins destined for incorporation into the membranes of ER and other EMS or plasma membranes
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11. 4. The nucleolus The most prominent substructure within the nucleus during interphase is the nucleolus. 100 years ago, one found a big spherical structure, called nucleolus within the nucleus, but up until 1960s, it was not identified that the nucleolus is a ribosome production factory designed to fulfill the need for large scale transcription and processing
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恩格斯在100多年前总结自然科学成就时指出:“地球几乎没有一种变化发生而不同时显示出电的现 象”:生物体当然也不例外。事实上,在埃及残存史前古文字中,已有电鱼击人的记载:但对于生物电现 象的研究,只能是在人类对于电现象一般规律和本质有所认识以后
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The generation of metabolic energy is a major activity of all cells, and two cytoplasmic organelles are specifically devoted to energy metabolism and the production of ATP. Mitochondria are responsible for generating most of the useful energy from the breakdown of lipids and carbohydrates, and chloroplasts
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The plasma membrane has a dual responsibility as a selective ely permeable barrier and transductor. The plasma membrane regulares the traffic of molecules into and out of the cell. Gases and small hydrophobic molecules by passive diffusion transport; Ions, sugars, amino acids, and sometimes water must be transported by a group of integral membrane proteins including
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MTs are hollow, cylindrical structures that occur in nearly every eukaryotic cell that has been scrutinized with EM. MTs have an outer diameter of 24~25nm, a wall thickness of approxim ately 5 nm, and lengths that may extend across the length or breadth of a cell. 1. Tubulin Globular tubulin subunits are arranged in 13 longitudinal row
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一、被动运输被动运输( passive transport)是指通过简单扩散或协助 (outside) lipid-soluble molecules,扩散实现物质由高 O2, CO2, H2O浓度到低浓度方向的跨膜转运。(一)简单扩散 (inside)
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