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For contact information about worldwide offices, see the MathWorks Web site. MAT-File Formo COPYRIGHT 1984-1999 by The Math Works, Inc. The software described in this docu nder a license agreement. The software may be used or copied only under the No part of this manual may be photocopied or repro- duced in any form without pri
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Natick, MA 01760-2098 For contact information about worldwide offices, see the Math Works Web site. Using MATLAB Graphics COPYRIGHT 1984-2002 by The Math Works, Inc. The software described in this document is furnished under license agreement. The software may be used or copied only under the terms of the license agreement- No of this manual may be photocopied or repro-
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The software described in this document is furnished under license agreement. The software may be used or copied only under the terms of the license agreement. No part of this manual may be photocopied or repro- duced in any form without prior written consent from The Math Works. In FEDERAL ACQUiSITION to all acquisitions of the Program and Documentation by or for the federal
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( 1) 都是非数值型的非线性函数的逼近器、估计器、和动态系统; (2) 不需要数学模型进行描述,但都可用数学工具进行处理; (3)都适合于VLSI、光电器件等硬件实现
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(1)精确逻辑(传统逻辑)的一些概念 命题逻辑、布尔代数、和集合论是同构的。 隐含是重要的概念。 传统的命题逻辑中,命题的“真”和“假”必须具有 意义。逻辑推理是给定一个命题,组合成另一个命题的过 程
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4.1 根轨迹的基本概念 4.2 绘制根轨迹图的基本法则 4.3 利用根轨迹分析系统的动态性能 4.4 广义根轨迹
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模糊系统辨识的问题分类 1、静态系统的辨识,它包括: (1)参数辨识 (2)结构辨识 2、动态系统的辨识 (1)结构辨识 (2)系统行为的辨识
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竞争学习和Kohonen自组织网络 竞争学习根据输入模式来更新权值,输入单元i与所有输 出单元j 用wij 连接。输入的数目即为输入的维数,输出的 数目即为输入数据要聚类的数目
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