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Chapter 10 11 Rotational Motion About Fixed Axis Torque, Rotational Inertia and Law Work and Rotational Kinetic Energy Angular Momentum and Conservation of Angular Momentum
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Chapter 10 11 Rotational Motion About Fixed Axis Rigid Body Rotational Inertia Work and Rotational Kinetic Energy Angular Momentum and Conservation of Angular Momentum
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Chapter 20 Gauss's Law A statement of the relationship between electric charge and electric field. Electric Flux 2 Gauss's Law 3 Application of Gauss's Law
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Chapter 10&11 Rotational Motion Angular Quantities Torque Angular Momentum Conservation of Angular Momentum
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3.1传感器的组成及分类 3.2扫描类型的传感器 3.3雷达成像仪
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1遥感的概念 2电磁波和电磁波谱 3物体的发射辐射
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Chapter 9 Momentum and The Conservation of Momentum 1. Linear Impulse and Momentum 2. Impulse-Momentum Theorem and Conservation of Momentum
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实习1航空像片比例尺测定 实习2立体观察练习 实习3利用反光镜测定像点高程差 实习4遥感图像的光学合成原理
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一、遥感基本概念 二、遥感技术系统 三、遥感特点与作用 四、遥感发展与趋势
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:1.91MB 文档页数:40
7.1什么是生物多样性 7.2生物多样性公约 7.3保护生物多样性的意义 7.4植物的分类 7.5植物命名法 7.6植物界的基本类群
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