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I Orienting employees II The training process 2.1 Why the training business is booming 2.2 The 5-step training & development process 2.3 Training and learning III Motivate the learner 3.1 Analyzing training needs 3.2 Task analysis: assessing new employees’ training needs 3.3 Performance analysis: assessing current employees’ training needs IV Traditional training methods V Electronic training VI Managerial development & training VII Evaluating the training effort
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6.1 Introduction of Vitamins 6.2 The Water-solubke vitamin 6.3 The Fat Soluble Vitamins 6.4 Variation of Vit in food processing and storage 6.5 Anilysis of Vitamins 6.6 Introduction of minerals 6.7 Source and statement 6.8 Variation of Mineral in food processing and storage 6.9 Analysis of Mineral in food
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• Introduction • Science and research • Open source  Software engineering data • Code analysis  Compiler  Partial program analysis  WALA, SOOT
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16.1 Spectral Analysis State University of New York Historical Perspective. Modern Spectral Analysis at Buffalo 16.2 Parameter Estimation Dimitri Kazakos Louisiana Estimation Schemes 16.3 Kalman Filtering Fred Daum Kalman Filter Equations.Kalman Filter Examples.Extended Kalman Raytheon Company
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§9.1 Quantization Process and Error §9.2 A/D Conversion Noise Analysis §9.3 Signal-to-Quantization Noise Ratio §9.4 Limit Cycles in IIR Digital Filters
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1 2.1 Process Dynamic Responses 2 2.2 Rational Approximations for Time Delay 3 2.3 Time Domain Performance Indices 4 2.4 Frequency Response Analysis 5 2.5 Transformation of Two Commonly Used Models 6 2.6 Design Requirements and Method Comparison
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◼ What is Risk? ◼ What is Project Risk Management? ◼ Project Risk Management Processes: ◼ Risk management planning ◼ Risk identification ◼ Qualitative risk analysis ◼ Quantitative risk analysis ◼ Risk response planning ◼ Risk monitoring and control
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◼ What is Project Scope Management? ◼ Project Initiation ◼ Methods for Selecting Projects ◼ Net Present Value Analysis, ROI, and Payback Analysis ◼ Weighted Scoring Model ◼ Project Charters ◼ Scope Planning ◼ The Scope Statement ◼ Scope Definition ◼ The Work Breakdown Structure ◼ Approaches to Developing Work Breakdown Structures ◼ Scope Verification and Scope Change Control
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1 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design 3 2 Materials 31 3 Load and Stress Analysis 71 4 Deflection and Stiffness 147 Part 2 Failure Prevention 212 5 Failures Resulting from Static Loading 213 6 Fatigue Failure Resulting from Variable Loading 265 Part 3 Design of Mechanical Elements 358 7 Shafts and Shaft Components 359 8 Screws, Fasteners, and the Design of Nonpermanent Joints 409 9 Welding, Bonding, and the Design of Permanent Joints 475 10 Mechanical Springs 517 11 Rolling-Contact Bearings 569 12 Lubrication and Journal Bearings 617 13 Gears—General 673 14 Spur and Helical Gears 733 15 Bevel and Worm Gears 785 16 Clutches, Brakes, Couplings, and Flywheels 825 17 Flexible Mechanical Elements 879 18 Power Transmission Case Study 933 19 Finite-Element Analysis 953 20 Statistical Considerations 977
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1.1 A Decision Tree Model and its Analysis 1.2 Another Decision Tree Model and it Analysis 1.3 The Need for a Systematic Theory of Probability 1.4 Exercises
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