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第一节 细胞信号转导概述 The General Information of Signal Transduction 第二节 细胞内信号转导分子 Intracellular Signal Molecules 第三节 细胞受体介导的细胞内信号转导 Signal Pathways Mediated by Different Receptors 第四节 信号转导的基本规律和复杂性 The basic rule and complexity of signal transduction and
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第一节 自然界DNA重组和基因转移 DNA Recombination and Gene Transfer in Nature 第二节 重组DNA技术 Recombinant DNA Technology 第三节 重组DNA技术基本原理 和操作步骤
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第一节 蛋白质的生理功能和营养价值 第二节 蛋白质的消化、吸收与腐败 Digestion, Absorption and Putrefaction of proteins 第三节 氨基酸的一般代谢 General Metabolism of Amino Acid 第四节 氨的代谢 Metabolism of Ammonia 第五节 个别氨基酸代谢 Metabolism of Specific Amino Acid
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第一节 脂溶性维生素 Lipid-soluble Vitamin 第二节 水溶性维生素 Water-soluble Vitamin 第三节 微量元素 Trace Element 第四节 钙、磷及其代谢 Metabolism of Calcium and Phosphorus
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The water content of dairy products ranges from around 2.5 to 94%(w/w) (Table 7.1) and is the principal component by weight in most dairy products, including milk, cream, ice-cream, yogurt and most cheeses. The moisture content of foods (or more correctly their water activity, section 7.3), together with temperature and pH, are of great importance to food technology. As described in section 7.8 water plays an extremely important
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• 第一节 合理膳食 • 第二节 有氧活动 • 第三节 知足常乐 • 第四节 远离烟酒 • 第五节 勤奋健身心 • 第六节 行动黄金律
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• 第一节 食品添加剂的毒性 – 一、毒性试验 – 二、食品添加剂的使用标准 • 第二节 常用食品添加剂 – 一、防腐剂及杀菌剂 – 二、抗氧化剂 – 三、漂白剂 – 四、乳化剂 – 五、膨松剂
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第一节 食品的滋味和呈味物质 – 一、食品味感 – 二、甜味与甜味物质 – 三、酸味与酸味物质 – 四、苦味及苦味物质 – 五、咸味理论 – 六、其他味感和呈味物质 第二节 嗅感及嗅感物质 – 一、嗅感及影响因素 – 二、植物性食物的香气 – 三、动物性食物的气味成分 – 四、焙烤食物的香气 – 五、发酵食品的香气 – 六、香味增强剂
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Like all other foods of plant or animal origin, milk contains several indigenous enzymes which are constituents of the milk as secreted. The principal constituents of milk (lactose, lipids and proteins) can be modified by exogenous enzymes, added to induce specific changes. Exogenous en- zymes may also be used to analyse for certain constituents in milk. In addition, milk and most dairy products
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Milk is a dilute emulsion consisting of an oil/fat dispersed phase and an aqueous colloidal continuous phase. The physical properties of milk are similar to those of water but are modified by the presence of various solutes (proteins, lactose and salts) in the continuous phase and by the degree of dispersion of the emulsified and colloidal components
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