Landscape architecture a profession only a little over a century old: an art as old as buman existence Norman Newton Design on the land. 1971 T he art of landscape architecture predates the Despite its well-documented his profession by thousands of years. Ancient cultures veneral. tory, landscape architecture isn ed the garden as one of the highest achievements of a civi an easy profession to define
气相色谱法(GC)是英国生物化学家 Martin a t p等人在研究液液分配色谱的基础 上,于1952年创立的一种极有效的分离方法,它 可分析和分离复杂的多组分混合物。目前由于使 用了高效能的色谱柱,高灵敏度的检测器及微处 理机,使得气相色谱法成为一种分析速度快、灵 敏度高、应用范围广的分析方法。如气相色谱与 质谱(GC-MS)联用、气相色谱与 Fourier红外 光谱(GC一FTIR)联用、气相色谱与原子发射光 谱(GC一AES)联用等