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Robot / Human Comparisons (how inhumane) Table I presents some of the elements of robotic and animal movement systems neatly compared for your viewing pleasure. Table I. Comparison of Movement Control Systems in the Robot and Human
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Part II Musculoskeletal Dynamics
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Outline Review of Muscle Contraction – From AP generation to contraction of fibers – Muscle proprioceptors (spindles and Golgi tendons) – Afferent and efferent axons
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overshoot when the conflict stimulus is tumed off. The slow humoral information transmission. If so, a search for the ath block nom her gain (by a fact the fast path, and at the beginning of notionally th Slow path output act
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Motion sickness: a synthesis and evaluation of the sensory conflict theor Man Vehicle Laboratory, Massachuserrs Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A Received December 15. 1988 M. 1990. Motion sickness: a synthesis and evaluation of the sensory conflict theory. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol erebral ischemia
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Cardiovascular Problems Associated with Space FlightOrthostatic Intolerance upon Re-entry
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Raphan T, Matsuo V, Cohen B (1979). Velocity storage in the vestibulo-ocular reflex arc (VOR). Experimental Brain Research 35:229-248. Henn V, Cohen B, Young LR (1980). Visual-vestibular interaction in motion perception and the generation of nystagmus
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In weightlessness, “down” cues from the inner ear otolith organs are absent. Astronauts are thought to rely more heavily on vision. Many astronauts perceive a “subjective vertical”. When it changes direction, it can cause disorientation and motion sickness
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一、惯性定律与惯性系 任何物体只要不受其它物体的作用,都将保 持静止或匀速直线运动状态。这一规律称为惯性 定律,又称为Newton first law。 惯性定律在其中严格成立的参考系,称为惯 性参考系,简称为惯性系。否则称为非惯性系。 实验表明,太阳是个较好的惯性系,地球是 个近似的惯性系
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第一讲 哲学思潮 哲学:时代的自我意识,时 代精神的精华(马克思)。 为天地立心,为生民立命, 为往圣继绝学,为万世开太平 (张载)
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