11.1 Cable Transmission of Analog Voltage and Current Signals 11.2 Cable Transmission of Digital Data 11.3 Fiber-Optic Data Transmission 11.4 Radio Telemetry 11.5 Pneumatic Transmission 11.6 Synchro Position Repeater Systems 11.7 Slip Rings and Rotary Transformers 11.8 Instrument Connectivity 11.9 Data Storage with Delayed Playback (an Alternative to Data Transmission)
1. Functional Elements of an Instrument 2. Active and Passive Transducers 3. Analog and Digital Modes of Operation 4. Null and Deflection Methods 5. Input-Output Configuration of Instruments and Measurement Systems 6. Methods of Correction for Interfering and Modifying Inputs 7. Conclusions
Handout 3: Gain and Phase Margins for unstable systems Eric Feron Feb9,2004 Gain and Phase Margins exist for all systems, including the unstable ones Examplel
《Systems Engineering 系统工程》课程教学资源(阅读文献)Definition, Expansion and Screening of Architectures for Planetary Exploration Class Nuclear Electric Propulsion and Power Systems