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1. Proteins are extremely versatile in function and crucial in virtually all biological processes. 1.1 Almost all chemical reactions occurring in living organisms are catalyzed by enzymes. 1.1.1 Many thousands of enzymes have been discovered, each catalyzing a different kind of chemical reaction
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1. Lipids encompass a large and diverse group of organic compounds 1.1 Lipids are broadly defined as biological molecules that are soluble in organic solvents. 1.1.1 Lipids are usually extracted from biological materials by nonpolar solvents like ether, chloroform(氯仿), benzene(苯). 1.2 The biological functions of lipids are diverse. 1.2.1 Certain lipids(e.g., triacylglycerols(三脂酰甘油), commonly called fats) serve as efficient reserves for the storage of energy
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1. The nucleic acids, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA), are polymers of nucleotide units 1.1 DNA consists of four kinds of deoxyribonucleotide units linked together through covalent bonds 1.1.1 Each nucleotide unit is made of a nitrogenous base (the various part in the four different deoxyribonucleotides), a pentose sugar and a phosphate group
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1. Hemoglobin is a multisubunit allosteric rotein that carries 02 in erythrocyte. 1.1 Hemoglobin is a well-studied and well-understood protein. 1.1.1 It was one of the first proteins to have its molecular mass accurately determined. 1.1.2 The first protein to be characterized by ultracentrifuge. 1.1.3 The first protein to be associated with a specific physiological function
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1. Early studies on the peptide(protein) structure 1.1 The peptide(o=c-n-h) bond was found to be shorter than the C-N bond in a simple amine and atoms attached are coplanar. 1.1.1 This was revealed by X-ray diffraction studies of amino acids and of simple dipeptides and tripeptides
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1. Carbohydrates are aldehyde or ketone compounds with multiple hydroxyl groups or substances that can yield such compounds on hydrolysis(p. 293) 1.1 Carbohydrates are the most abundant biomolecules on earth and have multiple roles in all forms of life. 1.1.1 Carbohydrates serve as energy stores (e.g., starch in plants, glycogen in animals), fuels (e.g., glucose), and metabolic intermediates (e.., ATP, many coenzymes)
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蛋白质与多肽一样,能够发生两性离解 1也有等电点。在等电点时(Isoelectric 蛋 point pl),蛋白质的溶解度最小,在电 场中不移动。 在不同的H环境下,蛋白质的电学性质 不同。在外液pH低于等电点的溶液中, 蛋白质粒子带正电荷,在电场中向负极 移动;在外液pH高于等电点的溶液中, 蛋白质粒子带负电荷,在电场中向正极 移动。这种现象称为蛋白质电泳- (Electrophoresis)带电粒子在电场中移 动的现象
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一、酶的活性部位 二、酶催化反应的独特性质 三、影响酶催化效率的有关因素 四、酶催化反应机制的实例 五、酶活性的调节控制 六、同工酶
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1. The good and bad sides of using triacylglycerols as an energy storage Highly reduced, more than twice as much energy as carbohydrates or proteins (~38 kJ/g vs ~18 kJ/g). Highly hydrophobic: does not raise osmolarity of cytosol, nor add extra weight; but must be emulsified before digestion and transported by special proteins in blood
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(1)习惯命名法: 根据其催化底物来命名(蛋白酶;淀粉酶) 根据所催化反应的性质来命名(水解酶;转氨酶 裂解酶等) 结合上述两个原则来命名(琥珀酸脱氢酶) 有时在这些命名基础上加上酶的来源或其它特点 (胃蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶、硷性磷酸脂酶和酸性磷 酸脂酶)
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