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The provision of mass media content over next-generation 3G mobile networks is envi- sioned as an exciting new application of new media. This paper focuses on the mobile Internet as strategic challenge for media and entertainment companies. It provides an overview of distinctive features of the mobile Internet related to personalization, time and location sensitivity, uncertainties b echnology push and market pull, and motiva- tions for engagemer
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The first part of this paper explores whether aggregate media coverage was different for internet IPOs as opposed to a matching sample of non-internet IPOs in the late 1990s. So we read all news items that came out between 1996 through 2000 on 458 internet IPOs and a matching
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In the deliberations of scholars, policy analysts, and policy makers, power and influence. Yet the historical record shows that television has not changed the economics of attention not merely a fluke or just ironic. It points to a major impediment to the development of information societies. State-owned-and-controlled media can be an important policy lever for overcoming this opposition
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(Harvard University and NBER) October 1, 2002 Abstract There are two di erent types of media bias. One bias, which we refer to as ideology, re ects a news outlet's desire to a ect reader opinions in a particular direction. The second bias, which we refer to as spin
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Public Law and Legal Theory Abusive Trademark Litigation and the Shrinking Doctrine of Consumer Confusion: Rethinking Trademark Paradigms in the Context of Entertainment Media and Cyberspace By: Kevin J. Greene Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, Vol. 27 (forthcoming) This paper can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Electronic Paper Collection at:
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During the twentieth century, virtually all western democracies saw growing media concentration as a threat to freedom of the press and to democracy. Most adopted laws to support press diversity, whether through competition (antitrust and media specific) laws or subsidy arrangements, often subsidies targeted specifically to support weaker competing
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The central premise of this issue of the WAKE FOREST LAW REVIEW is that popular media1 can influence behavior in ways that implicate the segments of the legal system that impose liability on those who cause harm to others.2 This Article considers another type of influence that can be traced to popular
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Privatization and Self-Regulation as Tropes of Global Media Restructuring There is a power to language itself in affecting media reform around the world. The field of media regulation is filled with examples of strong ideas, encapsulated in words and phrases, that have an enormous impact on legislative transformation, and the export of which seems a characteristic of globalization. Just think of the ideology-laden tropes
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We examine the patterns of media ownership in 97 countries around the world. We find that almost universally the largest media firms are owned by the government or by private families. Government ownership is more pervasive in broadcasting than in the printed media. Government ownership of the media is generally associated with less press freedom, fewer political and economic
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Persons freedom to communicate, and their ability to do so effectively, has long been recognized as a crucial component of a society that respects human dignity and provides the conditions for humans to flourish. Government actions that suppress persons'speech and other forms of communication have been rightly subject to scrutiny and challenge Governments have also recognized the importance of affirmative steps to enhance persons opportunities for communications, such steps include improving education and supporting public forums. Communication is not only a personal and political good
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