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Assets An asset is a commodity that provides a flow of services over time. E.g. a house, or a computer. A financial asset provides a flow of money over time -- a security
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一、市场类型的比较 二、垄断行业的含义 三、垄断力量的来源
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一、生产函数的概念 1.定义 描述生产技术状况给定条件下,生产要素的投入量与最大产出量之间的物质数 量关系的函数式
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一、对生产要素的需求和派生需求 (一)生产要素的类型 1.土地——地租 2.劳动——工资 3.资本——利息 4.企业家职能——企业利润
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一、成本的含义 1.定义 生产某种产品一定产量所耗费的各种生产要素的总价值
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Structure Rational constrained choice Computing ordinary demands Interior solution内在解) Corner solution(角点解) “Kinky\ solution Example: Choosing taxes
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Structure Present and future values Intertemporal budget constraint Preferences for intertemporal consumption Intertemporal choice Comparative statics Valuing securities
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Structure Endowments(禀赋) Budget constraints with endowments Net demands -Price offer curve Example: Labor supply Comparative statics Slutsky equation revisited
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Exchange Economies (revisited) No production, only endowments,so no description of how resources are converted to consumables. General equilibrium: all markets clear simultaneously. 1st and 2nd Fundamental Theorems of Welfare Economics
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