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Product quality is al ways a matter of prime importance in manufacturing. It should be given parameter the highest priority in process planning. The quality of a machined part can be expressed in coordination geometrical parameters( dimension
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第一节 人的视觉与听觉特性 第二节 显示装置的类型、设计与布置 第三节 信号显示
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上海交通大学:《工程经济学 Engineering Economics》课程教学资源_第六讲 互斥方案的比选方法
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上海交通大学:《工程经济学 Engineering Economics》课程教学资源_第八讲 折旧、利润与所得税(1)
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上海交通大学:《工程经济学 Engineering Economics》课程教学资源_第五讲 投资方案经济效果评价指标(二)
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上海交通大学:《环境工程学》课程教学大纲 Environmental Engineering
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There are two basic methods of generating process manufacturing gear teeth,the generating process and the forming forming process process. When a gear tooth is generated, the workpiece and the grinding cutting or grinding tool are in continuous mesh and the tooth form is mesh
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3.1 货币的时间价值 3.2 利息公式 3.3 等值计算实例 3.4 常用的还本付息方式 3.5 电子表格运用
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