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一、密钥管理的基本概念 二、密钥生成与密钥分发 三、秘密共享与密钥托管 四、非线性序列
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第3章分组密码习题 1.证明DES的解密变换是加密变换的逆 2.对DES进行穷搜索攻击时,需要在由2-个密钥空间进行。能否根据明文、密钥、密文之间的互补关系(即:若C=DESk(P)则C=DESe(P))减小进行穷搜索攻击时所用的密钥空间?试说明原因
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Digital Signatures and Message Authentication Code (MAC) overview Suppose Alice and Bob share a secret key k which determines hash function hk Alice sends (x, y) to Bob where y = hk
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Numbers Integers Real Arithmetic Operations Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Exponentiation and logarithm
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第1章公钥密码体制习题 1.在群Z*n中:()有多少生成元?(i)找出它的所有生成元。(i)找出它的所有子群。 2.令n是一个奇合数且不是素数的幂,群Z*有生成元吗?
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Diffie-Hellman Diffie-Hellman is a public key distribution scheme First public-key type scheme, proposed in 1976. W Diffie, M E Hellman, \New directions in Cryptography\, IEEE Trans. Information
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You are the CEO of Coca-Cola. You are responsible for bringing a refreshing taste to zillions of people all over the world, but want to keep the recipe secret from Pepsi’s industrial spies
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Public-Key Applications can classify uses into 3 categories: – encryption/decryption (provide secrecy) – digital signatures (provide authentication) – key exchange (of session keys)
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一、数字签名的概念 二、RSA数字签名体制 三、ELGAMAL数字签名体制 四、其他数字签名 五、数字签名标准
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一、密钥管理的概念 密码体制的安全应当只取决于密钥的安全, 而不取决与对密码算法的保密。 密钥管理包括密钥的产生、存储、分配、 组织、使用、停用、更换、销毁等一系列 技术问题
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