Unit Two Smart Cars Texta Smart cars Reference Book: (New)Integrated Course 4 Students and Teachings Book Teaching Method: Interchange English Objective 1 understand the main idea and structure of the text
Outline Review u Examined basics of GPS signal structure and how gnal is tracked a Looked at methods used to acquire satellites and start g Today we look at
An Introduction to Regional Economics Edgar M. Hoover and Frank Giarratani 1.1 WHAT IS REGIONAL EC f changes that take place in these systems are of imately the social and political fabric of serve. For some people that reaction is ustmen
Chapter I power tools of the trade Vectors and Plotting More vectors, more plotting and new Matrices Building Exploratory Environments Errror Designing Functions
Unit One Fighting with the Forces of nature Texta the Icy Defender Reference Book:(New) Integrated Course 4 Student's and Teaching,'s Book Teaching Method: ESA(engage, study, activate 1 grasp the main idea and structure of the text
5.1 The conditions of chemical equilibrium and affinity of chemical reaction 5.2 The equilibrium constant of a reaction and isothermal equation 5.3 Heterogeneous chemical equilibrium 5.4 Determination of equilibrium constants 5.5 The standard Gibbs function of formation 5.8 Coupling reaction 5.7 Chemical equilibrium of simultaneous reaction 5.6 The response of reactions to the conditions
Unit seven Making a living Teaching Period 10(1-2) Reference book:(New)Integrated Course 3 Student's and Teaching's book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice To understand the read ing material (Text A)
Unit six The human touch Teaching Period 10(1-2) Reference book: (New)Integrated Course3 Student's and Teaching's book Teaching Method: Combining explanation and practice To understand the read ing material (Text A) Important Point: Understanding the read ing material