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6.1CC系统安装与设置 6.2CCS菜单和工具栏 6.3CCS中的编译器、汇编器和链接器选项设置 6.4用CCS开发简单的程序 6.5在CCS中读取数据和数据的图形显示 6.6代码执行时间分析( Profiler的使用)
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一、利息的概念及其本质 1、利息实际上是租用资金的代价。 一般认为,利息是使用借贷资金的报酬,是货币 资金所有者凭借对货币资金的所有权向这部分资金 的使用者索取的报酬
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1.1数字电子技术基础 1.2数制与编码 1.3逻辑代数基础 1.4逻辑函数的化简 1.5逻辑函数的表示方法及其相互转换 1.6门电路
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A1 Husbands Wives Redefinition and adjustment of both husband's and wife's needs and values in contemporary British society. The effects of newly-emerging work patterns upon the roles of husbands and wives within the family
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Objectives If the family is central to people's lives, surely their next most significant experience is their education. In this chapter we will begin with a brief survey of the development of free universal education since the last century, and then take a closer look at the main institutions in which British people are formally educated
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A1 Introduction Definition of crime--Crime is behaviour that breaks those rules of a society which are codified in the criminal law. (p131) Crimes are defined and punished by statutes and by the common law oIn changing society the opportunities for people to commit crimes also change. oChanges in patterns of work, in unemployment
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Abstract In Chapter Seven we continue to look at the variety of ways in which people in Britain today spend their leisure time. We especially look at excursions away from home for a short or longer break. But we first look at the transport infrastructure of Great Britain a network of airports, railway lines, motorways and other roads, which, together, connect up the even remotest parts of the country and help to make
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A1 ntroduction Britain's 'mixed economy'-an economy in which there is some public ownership as well as privately owned business
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hapter 10 Beliefs Religious history Around 432 Ireland converted to Christanity by St. Patrick, who brought faith from Rome His followers spread christianity to Wales, Scotland&n. England, established religious centres In Ad 496-7: the Saxons of A. England were converted to
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A1 Development of \Welfare State\ 1. Definition of Poverty 1.1 Absolute Poverty- families without minimum food, clothing and shelter needed for maintenance of merely physical health (concept at beginning of last century)
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