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第十一讲提纲 一、第十讲回顾 1.综合练习 二、 Matlab绘图-ⅡI 1.图形对象与句柄 2.综合练习
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一、程序设计概述 二、基本概念 1.程序:数据结构+算法 2.注解:数据结构定义操作对象 3.算法定义求解过程
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三、多元线性回归分析 (一)模型p50 预报对象Y,m个预报因子x,(i=12m)建立它们之间的相关关系得到多元线性回归方程。如下:(4-18)
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练习 1解方程z2-2iz-5=0. 2求z=(1+i)4的值. 3证明三角形的内角和等于π
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Planning Delivery of a completed ship by a specified date requires careful planning. Following the introduction of the critical path method of planning and control by the U. S. E. I. du Pont de Nemours Company' about 1959, new techniques were adopted in many shipyards
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(1)∵内能是态函数,故△Eabd=△Eac 故 Oadb AE adb +Wadb =224+42 =266(J) (2) =AEba +Wba =-AEacb Wha =-224-84=-308(J)放热 (3) ad= d +Wad =(Ed-E)+Wadb =168+42=210(J) Qab=△Ea+O=E-Ea =(E-Ea)-(E-Ea)=Ea-168 =△Eacb-168=224-168=56(J) 8-21mol单原子理想气体i=3
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The general approach Earlier Parts have given a broad picture of the economic environment within which marine transport operates, and the mechanics of making economic calculations. Ship design links the two, i.e., the marine transport requirements must be developed into a series of feasible ship designs
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本章主要内容 4.1if语句 4.1.1if语句的一般形式 4.1.2if语句的嵌套 4.2 switch语句 4.2.1 switch语句的一般形式 4.2.2 break语句
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第7章蜗传动 7.1.1蜗杆传动的特点和应用 特点: 1.传动比大:结构紧凑,动力传动i=7~80; 2.传动平稳:连续的螺旋齿;逐渐进入啮合和退出,故冲击小、噪声低; 3.可自锁:升角小子当量摩擦角时; 4.传动效率低:滑动速度大,摩擦与磨损严重。但新型蜗杆的传动效率已可达90%以上
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4-1字符界面简介 4-1-1虚拟终端 Linux字符界面即虚拟终端。默认有7个,1~6是字符界面,第7个是图形化用户界面(启动后)。 4-1-2字符界面下的用户登录 Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon) Kernel 2..21-4.EL on an i686
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