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Thermal Oxidation. Diffusion. Ion Implantation.Deposition. Harold G. Parks Lithography and Pattern Transfer The University of Arizona, Tucson 23.2 Testing Built-In Self-Test- Scan. Direct Access Testing ng· Joint TestAction
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Gennady Sh. Gildenblat 22.1 Physical Properties The Pennsylvania State University Energy Bands- Electrons and Holes. Transport Properties.Hall Boris Gelmont Effect. Electrical Breakdown. Optical Properties and University of Virginia
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21.1 MATLAB Environment 21.2 Example 1: Signal Analysis Delores M. Etter 21.3 Example 2: Filter Design and Analysis
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40.1 Grounding, Shielding, and Filtering John M. Roman Grounding.Shielding.Filtering Telematics 40.2 Spectrum, Specifications, and Measurement Techniques Martin A. Uman Procedures University of Florida, Gainesville
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39.1 Passive Microwave Devices Characterization of Passive Elements.Transmission Line Sections Discontinuities. Impedance Transformers. Terminations. Artenuators' Microwave Resonators Tuning Michael B.Steer Elements. Hybrid Circuits and Directional Couplers .Filters. North Carolina State University Ferrite Components Passive Semiconductor Devices
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38.1 Wire Short Dipole. Directivity. Magnetic Dipole.Input Impedance. Arbitrary Wire Antennas. Resonant Half-Wavelength N.J.Kolias Antenna. End Loading. Arrays of Wire Antennas. Analysis of General Arrays. Arrays of Identical Elements Equally Spaced Raytheon Company
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一、电气安全的相关概念 二、电气装置接地 四、过电压与防雷
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一、电气安全的相关概念 二、电气装置接地 三、过电压与防雷
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