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1 必须长期坚持的指导方针 11 从个人所得税标准的提高说起 2 新起点上的新目标 12 由“开门立法”谈起 3 解决“三农”问题的神来之笔 13 奔小康 盼健康
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2007 年国民经济和社会发展计划草案的审查结果报告 2007 年 3 月 12 日第十届全国人民代表大会第五次会议主席团第二次会议通过 十届全国人大五次会议主席团: 第十届全国人民代表大会第五次会议审查了国务院提出的《关于 2006 年国民经济和社会发展 计划执行情况与 2007 年国民经济和社会发展计划草案的报告》以及 2007 年国民经济和社会发展计划草 案。全国人民代表大会财政经济委员会在对计划报告和计划草案进行初步审查的基础上,根据各代表团 和有关专门委员会的审查意见,又作了进一步审查
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2006 年 11 月 27 日,新华社报道,国家工商总局、卫生部依法加强对医疗广告的监管,集中清理 整顿医疗机构虚假违法医疗广告行为
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6 月 22 日,由世界品牌实验室和世界经理人周刊联合主办的世界品牌大会在北京人民大 会堂召开。会上发布了 2007 年《中国 500 最具价值品牌》排行榜。其中,半月谈品牌价值被评估为 28.79 亿元人民币,比 2006 年 26.89 亿元人民币增加 1.9 亿元人民币。 半月谈品牌价值的大幅提
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Electronic Commerce Prentice Hall © 2006 2 Learning Objectives 1. Discuss the major steps in developing an EC application. 2. Describe the major EC applications and list their major functionalities
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Electronic Commerce Prentice Hall © 2006 2 Starting a New Online Business • Creating a New Company or Adding an Online Project – Step 1: Identify a consumer or business need in the marketplace – Step 2: Investigate the opportunity – Step 3: Determine the business owner’s ability to meet the need
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Electronic Commerce Prentice Hall © 2006 2 Learning Objectives 1. Describe the strategic planning process. 2. Describe the purpose and content of a business plan. 3. Understand how e-commerce impacts the strategic planning process. 4. Understand how EC applications are formulated, justified, and prioritized
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Electronic Commerce Prentice Hall © 2006 2 Learning Objectives 1. Understand the shifts that are occurring with regards to non-cash and online payments. 2. Discuss the players and processes involved in using credit cards online. 3. Discuss the different categories and potential uses of smart cards
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Electronic Commerce Prentice Hall © 2006 2 Learning Objectives 1. Define the various types of e-auctions and list their characteristics. 2. Describe the processes involved in conducting forward and reverse e-auctions. 3. Describe the benefits and limitations of e-auctions. 4. Describe some unique e-auction models
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Electronic Commerce Prentice Hall © 2006 2 Learning Objectives 1. Describe e-government to citizens (G2C), to businesses (G2B), and to others. 2. Describe various e-government initiatives. 3. Discuss online publishing, e-books, and blogging. 4. Describe e-learning and virtual universities. 5. Describe knowledge management and dissemination as
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