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一、商业环境 二、税收环境 三、金融环境
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8.1领导的影响力 8.2领导理论 8.3沟通概述 8.4人际沟通
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:170.5KB 文档页数:47
Where we've been. Basic Skills:(Time value of money, Financial Statements) Investments: (Stocks, Bonds, Risk and Return) Corporate Finance: (The Investment Decision- Capital Budgeting)
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第一节 教学重点:公共服务供给的三种机制 第二节 教学难点:公共服务供给机制的互补
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德鲁克指出:计划是帮助 组织实现其目标的一套行动 方案
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第4章决策方法 4.1决策概述 4.2决策理论 4.3决策程序 4.4决策方法 4.5决策支持系统
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Security valuation In general, the intrinsic value of an asset= the present value of the stream of expected cash flows discounted at an appropriate required rate of return
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Chapter 6: Objectives Inflation and rates of return How to measure risk (variance, standard deviation, beta) How to reduce risk (diversification) How to price risk (Security market line, CAPM)
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The Time value of money Compounding and Discounting Single Sums
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广州华夏职业学院:《物流运输管理与实务》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第八章 物流运输保险与合同
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