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4.1 交流调压电路 4.2 其它交流电力控制电路 4.3 交交变频电路 4.4 矩阵式变频电路
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1.1功率电子线路概述 作用:高效地实现能量变换和控制。 种类: 根据应用领域和处理对象不同 (1)功率放大电路:放大器的一类。用于通信、音像等电子设备。 (2)电源变换电路:对电源能量进行特定变换。用于电源设备、电子系统、工业控制
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数控机床中的伺服系统取代了传统机床的机械传动,这是数 控机床重要特征之一。由于伺服系统包含了众多的电子电力器 件,并应用反馈控制原理将它们有机地组织起来,因此在一定意 义上,伺服系统的高性能和高可靠性决定了整台数控机床的性能 和可靠性 驱动系统与CNC位置控制部分构成位置伺服系统
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一、汽车电子技术的发展过程 发展过程分为五个阶段 二、汽车电子技术应用的优越性 1.减少汽车修复时间 2.节油 3.减少空气污染 4.减少空气事故 5.提高乘坐舒适性
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1 1.1 A Brief History of Control Theory 2 1.2 Design of Feedback Control Systems 3 1.3 Consideration on Control System Design 4 1.4 What This Book is About 5 References for Reading
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1 3.1 Norms and System Gains 2 3.2 Internal Stability and Performance 3 3.3 Controller Parameterization 4 3.4 Robust Stability and Robust Performance 5 3.5 Robustness of Systems with Time Delays
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1 5.1 H2 PID Controllers for the First-Order Plant 2 5.2 Quantitative Tuning of H2 PID Controllers 3 5.3 H2 PID Controllers for the Second-Order Plant 4 5.4 Control of Inverse Response Processes 5 5.5 PID Controllers Based on the Maclaurin Series Expansion 6 5.6 PID Controllers with the Best Achievable Performance 7 5.7 Choice of the Filter
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1 7.1 The Feature of Integrating Systems 2 7.2 H∞ PID Controllers for Integrating Plants 3 7.3 H2 PID Controllers for Integrating Plants 4 7.4 Controller Design for General Integrating Plants 5 7.5 Maclaurin PID Controllers for Integrating Plants 6 7.6 Best Achievable Performance of a PID Controllers
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1 8.1 Controller Parameterization for General Plants 2 8.2 H∞ PID Controllers for Unstable Plants 3 8.3 H2 PID Controllers for Unstable Plants 4 8.4 Performance Limitation and Robustness 5 8.5 Maclaurin PID Controllers for Unstable Plants 6 8.6 PID Design for the Best Achievable Performance 7 8.6 All Stabilizing PID Controllers for Unstable Plants
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1 6.1 The Quasi-H∞ Smith Predictor 2 6.2 The H2 Optimal Controller and the Smith Predictor 3 6.3 Equivalents of the Optimal Controller 4 6.4 The PID Controller and High-Order Controllers 5 6.5 Choice of Weighting Functions 6 6.6 Simplified Tuning for Quantitative Robustness
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