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16.1 Spectral Analysis State University of New York Historical Perspective. Modern Spectral Analysis at Buffalo 16.2 Parameter Estimation Dimitri Kazakos Louisiana Estimation Schemes 16.3 Kalman Filtering Fred Daum Kalman Filter Equations.Kalman Filter Examples.Extended Kalman Raytheon Company
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Oklobdzija,. C. Hamacher, Z. G. Vranesic, S. G. Zaky, J. Raymond Number Systems· Computer Arithmetic Architecture·Microprogramming 87 Programming J. M. Feldman, E. W. Czeck,. G. Lewis, J. J.Martin Assembly Language. High-Level Languages. Data Types and Data Structures
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Application of Electrical and Magnetic Fields in Bone and Soft Tissue Repair 114 Biomedical Sensors M.R. Neuman Physical Sensors.Chemical Sensors. Bioanalytical Sensors. Applications. Summar
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14 Digital Signal Processing W.K. Jenkins, A. D. Poularikas, B. W. Bomar, L.M. Smith, J.A. Cadzow Fourier Transforms er Transforms and the Fast Fourier Transform. Design and Imple of Digital Filters.Signal Restoration
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59 Conventional Power Generation G.G. Karady Fossil Power Plants. Nuclear Power Plants. Geothermal Power Plants. Hydroelectric Power Plants
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69 Broadcasting R.C. Dorf, Z. Wan, J.F. Lindsey I, D.F. Doelitzsch, J. Whitaker, M.S. Roden, S. Salek, A. H. Clegg Modulation and Demodulation. Radio. Television Systems. High-Definition Television. Digital Audio Broadcasting
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46 Electroacoustic Devices P. H. Rogers Transduction Mechanisms. Sensitivity and Source Level. Reciprocity Canonical Equations and Electroacoustic Coupling. Radiation Impedance.Directivity
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本章重点学习计算机网络工程基础知识,了解“计算机就是网络”的真正含义,掌握计算机网络的主要功能,理解网络的分类形式,了解计算机网络的五种结构,重点掌握总线型、星型及网络设备的使用。 1. 熟悉计算机网络的概念 2. 了解计算机网络的分类 3. 掌握数据通信的相关技术 4. 认识计算机网络设备
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