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Force Force is a kind of mechanical action between different objects, it tends to change the shape, volume or movement state of the object with a force upon it. Force is a vector quantity, and thus possesses both magnitude and direction; it can be represented by an arrow whose length specifies the magnitude and whose
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CONSTRUCTION OF VERTICAL SECTION 1 Select the location of the section and draw a section line (usually perpendicular to the strike of the main structures), right-hand end is its more easterly end 2 Draw a topographic profile along the line of section. Determine the base line on the squared
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一、周口店野外属性数据采集系统 用于直接在野外地质现场用便携式计算机采集观测到的数据
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REGIONAL STRESS REGIMES (ANDERSON THEORY OF FAULTING) 2 is located parallel to the fault plane, normal to the direction of slipl 3 is located normal to o, and o2/ Earth's surface is a principal plane of stress Ideal fault geometry
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Extensional Fault Systems A- Evolutionary model illustrating progressive extension accommodated by block rotation above a low-angle extensional fault. B-Listric fault with hangingwall rollover anticline. Area and B are equal. C-Flat/ramp geometry of fault produces geometrically necessary folding in hangingwall
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3.2.1 Concepts of Stratigraphic subdivision and correlation 3.2.2 Methodology of Stratigraphic subdivision and correlation 3.3.1 Lithostratigraphic unit-LU 3.3.2 Biostratigraphic u.-BU 3.3.3 Chronostratigraphic u.-CU 3.3.4 Stratotype & GTS 3.3.5 Relations between stratal u. 3.4.1 vertical aggradation 3.4.2 Lateral aggradation 3.4.3 Biological sedimentation 3.4.4 海进与海退 Transgression & regression
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一、线性相位FIR滤波器的特点 二、窗函数设计法 三、频率抽样设计法 五、IIR和FIR数字滤波器的比较
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本章详细介绍TMS320C55x的硬件结构,包括C55x处理器的CPU体系结构、指令流水线、存储空间结构及TMS320VC5509A的主要特性等。 2.1 TMS320C55xDSP的基本结构 2.2 TMS320VC5509A的主要特性 2.3 TMS320C55x存储空间结构
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本章主要介绍了C55x处理器的程序基本结构,C语言编程以及优化,语言与汇编语言的混合编程,通用目标文件格式,最后对C55x处理器的数字信号处理库和图像、视频处理库进行了介绍。 4.1 C55x处理器程序基本结构 4.2 C语言程序开发及优化 4.3 C语言与汇编语言的混合编程 4.4 通用目标文件格式 4.5 C55x处理器的数字信号处理库和图像视频处理库
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 绪论  计算机的发展概况  微型计算机中信息的表示及运算基础  几个重要的数字逻辑电路  微机基本结构
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