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中国地质大学(武汉):《地史学 Historical Geology》第三章 地层学 Stratigraphy 3.2 地层划分和对比 3.3 地层单位与地质年代 Stratigraphic units and geological times 3.4 Formational processes of stratigraphy

3.2.1 Concepts of Stratigraphic subdivision and correlation 3.2.2 Methodology of Stratigraphic subdivision and correlation 3.3.1 Lithostratigraphic unit-LU 3.3.2 Biostratigraphic u.-BU 3.3.3 Chronostratigraphic u.-CU 3.3.4 Stratotype & GTS 3.3.5 Relations between stratal u. 3.4.1 vertical aggradation 3.4.2 Lateral aggradation 3.4.3 Biological sedimentation 3.4.4 海进与海退 Transgression & regression

第3章地层学 Stratigraphy 3.1概念、定律和地层的接触关系 3.1 Concepts, laws contact relationships of strata 32地层划分和对比 3.2 Stratigraphic subdivision and correlation 33地层单位和地质年代 3.3 Stratigraphic units and geological times 34地层的形成作用 3.4 Stratigraphic formation

第3章 地层学 Stratigraphy 3.1 概念、定律和地层的接触关系 3.1 Concepts,laws & contact relationships of strata 3.2 地层划分和对比 3.2 Stratigraphic subdivision and correlation 3.3 地层单位和地质年代 3.3 Stratigraphic units and geological times 3.4 地层的形成作用 3.4 Stratigraphic formation

3. 2.1 Concepts of Stratigraphic subdivision and correlation 地层划分:根据地 DEVONIAN 层的特征和属性 tOid Red Sandstone) (如岩性、化石和 不整合面等)将地 ORDOVICIAN CAMBRIAN 层组织成相应的单 位 FIGURE 1-19 Generalized geologic cross-section for the Silurian-type region Unconformities separate the Ordovician from the Cambrian and Silurian systems. Silurian Stratigraphic subdivision: strata are inclined toward the east, with more resistant rocks forming escarpments that face toward the west The systematic organization of the earth's rock bodies, as 找异 they are found in their original relationships, into units based on any of the properties or attributes that +—1 may be useful in stratigraphic work. 图3—7地层剖面划分示意图

3.2.1 Concepts of Stratigraphic subdivision and correlation 地层划分:根据地 层的特征和属性 (如岩性、化石和 不整合面等)将地 层组织成相应的单 位。 Stratigraphic subdivision: The systematic organization of the Earth's rock bodies, as they are found in their original relationships, into units based on any of the properties or attributes that may be useful in stratigraphic work. 找异

地层对比:表示地层特征或地层位置是否相当 寻 根据所强调的侧重点的不同,有不同种类的对比同 岩性“对比”是 E Formation 3 Green shale Formation 论证岩石特征和 2 岩石地层位置的 traum)Format2 Brown shale Formation 相当; Formation 1 Red shale 两个含化石层的b “对比”是证明 Locality Bc LocatE B C Southern 化石内容和生物 Interval of ammonoid x 地层位置相当; 代“对比”是 Interval of belemnoid y 论证年龄和年代 Interval of gastropod z 920 她层位置的相当 Lithostratigraphic correlation: Based on the similarities of the lithologic units. Biostratigraphic correlation: Based on the similarities of the fossils contained

岩性“对比”是 论证岩石特征和 岩石地层位置的 相当; 两个含化石层的 “对比”是证明 化石内容和生物 地层位置相当; 年代“对比”是 论证年龄和年代 地层位置的相当 地层对比:表示地层特征或地层位置是否相当。 根据所强调的侧重点的不同,有不同种类的对比 Lithostratigraphic correlation: Based on the similarities of the lithologic units. Biostratigraphic correlation:Based on the similarities of the fossils contained. 寻 同

3.2.2 Methodology of Stratigraphic subdivision and correlation 生物地层单位 地球物理单位 组和段有孔虫软体动物孢子和花粉地磁反转地震波速统和阶 ● Lithology S带 R带 ● Fossils Q ● Physical 3500 ● Chemical P带 3200 Architectures R ● others 州 5100

3.2.2 Methodology of Stratigraphic subdivision and correlation ●Lithology ● Fossils ● Physical ●Chemical ● Architectures ●others

岩性 追索对比 Key bed lack limestone 划 分 Figure 3-3a Lithostratigraphic correlation. a In the tion 1 is assumed to intertongue or grade laterally into the of adequate exposure units can be traced laterally shale at section 2. C. Correlation using a key bed, a distinc even if occasional gaps exist. b. Correlation by similarities in tive black limestone rock type and position in a sequence. The sandstone in sec

岩石地层划分对比 岩性 划分 对比 追索对比 可划分出6个组

FossiS Index foss:指那些演化速度快、 地理分布广、数量丰富、特征明显、易 于识别的化石。利用标准化石不仅可以 鉴定地层的时代,也可以用于地层的年 代对比。 Fossil association:指在一定的地 层层位中所共生的所有化石的综合。化 石组合法是根据地层的化石组合对比地 层的方法

Fossils Index fossil:指那些演化速度快、 地理分布广、数量丰富、特征明显、易 于识别的化石。利用标准化石不仅可以 鉴定地层的时代,也可以用于地层的年 代对比。 Fossil association:指在一定的地 层层位中所共生的所有化石的综合。化 石组合法是根据地层的化石组合对比地 层的方法

Index fossils 300km

Index fossils 300 km

B A Figure 3-43 Correlation of two sections by using concur- rent range zones, which are established by the overlapping ranges of fossils A through E

Fossil associations

Quaternary Period Pecten gibbus Neptunea tabulata CENOZOIC ERA (Age of Recent Life) Tertiary Poriod Calyptraphorus velatus Venericardia planicosta Cretaceous Period Scaphites hippocrepis Inoceramus labiatus MESOZOIC ERA (Age of Jurassic Period Perisphinctes tiziani Nerinea trinodosa dieval Life) Triassic Monotis subcircularis Period Trophies subulatus Permian Leptodus americanus Parafusulina bosei Period Pennsylvanian Period Dictyoclostus americanus Lophophyllidium proliferum Mississippian Cactocrinus muItibrachiatus Prolecanites gurley Period PALEOZOIC ERA Devonian Mucrospirffer mucronate (Age of Palm atolopus unicornis Ancient Life) Period Silurian Period Cystiphyllum niagarense Hexamoceras hertzerl Ordovician Bathyurus extant Tetragraptus fructicosus Period Cambrian Billingsella corrugata Period Paradoxides pinus PRECAMBRIAN Index fossils

Index fossils

Physical characters 同位素年龄测定与地层划分对比 同位素年龄测定是根据放射性同位素衰变原理 进行的。放射性元素在衰变过程中,释放出能 量并转化为终极元素。 用于地层年龄测量的同位素方法主要有铀-铅 法、钍-铅法、铷-锶法、钾-氩法、钐-钕 法等。同一地区的地层的同位素年龄可以用于 地层年龄的确定,不同地区的地层的同位素年 龄可以用于地层对比

Physical characters 同位素年龄测定与地层划分对比 同位素年龄测定是根据放射性同位素衰变原理 进行的。放射性元素在衰变过程中,释放出能 量并转化为终极元素。 用于地层年龄测量的同位素方法主要有铀-铅 法、钍-铅法、铷-锶法、钾-氩法、钐-钕 法等。同一地区的地层的同位素年龄可以用于 地层年龄的确定,不同地区的地层的同位素年 龄可以用于地层对比

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