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中国地质大学(武汉):《地史学 Historical Geology》第七章 早古生代的地史 Early Paleozoic geohistory 7.1 Early Paleozoic abstract

●划分和命名 Subdivision & naming ● 主要特征 Main features

第7章早古生代的地史 Early Paleozoic geohistory 7.1早古生代概述 Pzl abstract 72早古生代的生物界 Pzl life 73中国东部早古生代古地理 Pzl paleogeography, E. China 74早古生代板块构造概况 zI plate tectonics A Eoredlichia 75早古生代的沉积矿产 Pzl deposit ores

第7章 早古生代的地史 Early Paleozoic geohistory 7.1 早古生代概述 Pz1 abstract 7.2 早古生代的生物界 Pz1 life 7.3 中国东部早古生代古地理 Pz1 paleogeography, E. China 7.4 早古生代板块构造概况 Pz1 plate tectonics 7.5 早古生代的沉积矿产 Pz1 deposit ores Eoredlichia

7.1 Early Paleozoic abstract ●划分和命名 Subdivision naming ●主要特征 Main features

7.1 Early Paleozoic abstract ●划分和命名 Subdivision & naming ● 主要特征 Main features

早古生代的划分和命名 L火an 志留纪( Silurian,S) Murchison,1835, 416028 内o 英国古民族名称 4172 Lurtordvn AAA 奥陶纪( Ordovician,O) Lapworth, Ludo 4213t2 connan 42292 1879,英国古民族名称 Hom 422t24 寒武纪( Cambrian,∈) Sedgwick,3 Gherworuer 428223 1835, Cambria山 401所 AAA 早古生代持续126Ma 4X2日1 问 sutara Himanhan 4456!N New division New division Upper 4s511 Silurian: SI S2 S3. S4 Ordovician and 401E old division Damato Middle Silurian: si.s2, Cambrian S3(S3+S4) 均有4分统趋势 4711E Trohan 43117 GSSP: Global Standard Section and point Furrow Paten GSSA: Global Standard Stratigraphic Age 0.D2D 《2004国际地层表》 510420

志留纪(Silurian,S) Murchison, 1835, 英国古民族名称 奥陶纪(Ordovician,O)Lapworth, 1879,英国古民族名称 寒武纪(Cambrian,∈) Sedgwick, 1835,Cambria山 早古生代持续126Ma 早古生代的划分和命名 New division Silurian: S1, S2, S3, S4 Old division Silurian: S1, S2, S3(S3+S4) New division Ordovician and Cambrian 均有4分统趋势 《2004 国际地层表》 GSSP : Global Standard Section and Point GSSA: Global Standard Stratigraphic Age

寒武系概念的演变 70以前 4883±1.71 70-1992 1992-2004 Furongian Paibian Ordovician奥陶系 5010±20 E0O Series 3 5130±20 - Olenus UPPER UPPER Series 2 5230±20 Series 1 5420±10 r 4 Parado MIDDLE MIDDLE后2004 前2004 xides 4883±1 L Furongia Paibian 3 Olenellus LOWER Middle 513.0±20 LOWER 5420+10 Precambrian 前寒武系 2004年9月20日会议通过,建议提交寒 据彭善池,2004 武系分会表决 2004年12月寒武系分会表决通过;得票 率88%(13赞成;2反对;0弃权) 寒武系1835年在英国建立,170多年来,一直 4分方案的通过是寒武系划分观念的重 采用三分法;70年代以来时限持续扩大 突破;是向建立全球寒武系年代地层 框架迈出的重要一步

CAMBRIAN Olenellus Parado￾xides Olenlus LOWER MIDDLE UPPER LOWER MIDDLE UPPER LOWER MIDDLE UPPER Precambrian Ordovician 70’以前 70’-1992 1992 - 2004 ? ? 前寒武系 奥陶系 寒武系1835年在英国建立,170多年来,一直 采用三分法; 70年代以来时限持续扩大 寒武系概念的演变 2004年9月20日会议通过,建议提交寒 武系分会表决 2004年12月寒武系分会表决通过;得票 率88% (13赞成;2反对;0弃权) 4分方案的通过是寒武系划分观念的重 大突破;是向建立全球寒武系年代地层 框架迈出的重要一步。 后2004 前2004 据彭善池,2004

显生宙各纪命名地点 Carboniferous cambrian Coneybeare and Phillips, 1822) 芬兰 (Sedgwick. 1835) 瑞典 Ordovician [Lapnorth, 187B Silurian (Murchison, 1835) Perman r Triassic 4波 (Murchison, 1841) Devonian 俄罗斯 [Murchison and 捷 jurassic F Sedgwick 1840) Won Humboldt T795] 法{地利匈牙 uaternary 马尼亚 (Desnoyers, 1829) Tertiary fArduino, 1760) 西 Cretaceous (dAlly 1822 土耳其 阿尔及尔 000km

法 西 德 丹 瑞 波 意 捷 挪 瑞典 摩洛哥 阿尔及尔 显生宙各纪命名地点 土耳其 俄罗斯 芬兰 罗马尼亚 奥地利 匈牙利

Phanerozoic global chronostratigraphic boundaries are formally defined by a Global Standard Section and Point (GSSP-COWIE et al, 1986), whereas Precambrian chronostratigraphic boundaries are formally defined in terms of absolute ages: Global Standard Stratigraphic Age(GSSA-REMANE et al, 1996) In order to become mandatory a boundary definition as to be accepted by 60%o majority in successive votes, first by the working group responsible for the choice of the GSSP then by the concerned Subcommission of Ics and finally by the full commission of Ics. with its ratification(wC/)through IUGS, the GSSP or gSSa becomes mandatory(强制性的)

Phanerozoic global chronostratigraphic boundaries are formally defined by a Global Standard Section and Point (GSSP - COWIE et al, 1986), whereas Precambrian chronostratigraphic boundaries are formally defined in terms of absolute ages : Global Standard Stratigraphic Age (GSSA- REMANE et al, 1996). In order to become mandatory, a boundary definition as to be accepted by 60% majority in successive votes, first by the working group responsible for the choice of the GSSP, then by the concerned Subcommission of ICS and finally by the Full Commission of ICS. With its ratification(批准) through IUGS, the GSSP or GSSA becomes mandatory(强制性的). Early Paleozoic division

早古生代的主要特征 Pz1 main features 1生物界寒武纪生物大爆发( Cambrian explosion);海生无脊椎动物空前繁盛(环 境分析、地层对比、生态分异、生物分区) 植物登陆;奥陶纪末期生物大绝灭(mass extinction)事件 2属加里东( Caledonian)构造阶段,陆壳板块 扩大和增生(陆相沉积、生物上陆) 3沉积类型复杂多样,奥陶纪末期冈瓦纳 ( Gondwana)大陆发育冰川

1 生物界—寒武纪生物大爆发(Cambrian explosion);海生无脊椎动物空前繁盛(环 境分析、地层对比、生态分异、生物分区); 植物登陆;奥陶纪末期生物大绝灭(mass extinction)事件 2 属加里东(Caledonian)构造阶段,陆壳板块 扩大和增生(陆相沉积、生物上陆) 3 沉积类型复杂多样,奥陶纪末期冈瓦纳 (Gondwana)大陆发育冰川 早古生代的主要特征 Pz1 main features

第7章早古生代的地史 Early Paleozoic geohistory 7.1早古生代概述 Pzl abstract 72早古生代的生物界 Pzl life 73中国东部早古生代古地理 Pzl paleogeography, E. China 74早古生代板块构造概况 zI plate tectonics A Eoredlichia 75早古生代的沉积矿产 Pzl deposit ores

第7章 早古生代的地史 Early Paleozoic geohistory 7.1 早古生代概述 Pz1 abstract 7.2 早古生代的生物界 Pz1 life 7.3 中国东部早古生代古地理 Pz1 paleogeography, E. China 7.4 早古生代板块构造概况 Pz1 plate tectonics 7.5 早古生代的沉积矿产 Pz1 deposit ores Eoredlichia

Early Paleozoic life寒武系底界 Manykaian GSSP选定在纽芬兰 Primarily confined to shallow 岛(加东南),以遗迹 water marine environments 化石 Tricophycus Animals with hard body parts pedum首现为标志, appear at the beginning of the 年龄543Ma; Cambrian-this defines the beginning of the Phanerozoic Important fossils: trilobites, graptolites, Cephalopods(mainly nautiloids), conodonts, brachiopods Other fossils: Mollusca. corals Arthropoda, Echinodermata, Ⅴ ertebrata, sponges

Primarily confined to shallow￾water marine environments. Animals with hard body parts appear at the beginning of the Cambrian - this defines the beginning of the Phanerozoic. Important fossils: trilobites, graptolites, Cephalopods (mainly nautiloids), conodonts, brachiopods Other fossils: Mollusca, corals, Arthropoda, Echinodermata, Vertebrata,sponges 寒武系底界 (Manykaian) GSSP选定在纽芬兰 岛(加东南),以遗迹 化石Tricophycus pedum首现为标志, 年龄543Ma; Early Paleozoic Life

全球寒武系的底界 SYSTEMS SERIES STAGES Ordovician Tremadocian Cambrian Stage 10 Undefined Furongian Cambrian Staue g series (Undefined) Paibian Stage Cambrian Stage 7 Cambrian ( Undefined) Series 3 Cambrian Stage 6 (Undefined) (Undefined) Cambrian Forture head. Newfoundland Undefined) Cambrian Cambrian St Series 2 (Undefined) (Undefined) Cambrian Stage 3 (Undefined) Cambrian (Undefined) ?FA Tricoplycus pedum (Undefined) Cambrian Stage I ( Undefined) Ediacaran 据彭善池,2004 FAdof Trichophycus pedum(GSSP)

全球寒武系的底界 Forture Head, Newfoundland 据彭善池,2004 Tricophycus pedum

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