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中国地质大学(武汉):《地史学 Historical Geology》第三章 地层学 Stratigraphy 3.1 概念、定律和地层的接触关系 Concepts, laws & contact relationships of strata

3.1.1 地层与地层学 3.1.1 Strata and stratigraphy 3.1.2 地层学的基本定律 3.1.2 Basic stratigraphic laws 3.1.3 地层的接触关系 3.1.3 Contact relationships of strata

第3章地层学 Stratigraphy 31概念、定律和地层的接触关系 3.1 Concepts, laws contact relationships of strata 32地层划分和对比 3.2 Stratigraphic subdivision and correlation 33地层单位和地质年代 3.3 Stratigraphic units and geological times 34地层的形成作用 3.4 Stratigraphic formation

第3章 地层学 Stratigraphy 3.1 概念、定律和地层的接触关系 3.1 Concepts, laws & contact relationships of strata 3.2 地层划分和对比 3.2 Stratigraphic subdivision and correlation 3.3 地层单位和地质年代 3.3 Stratigraphic units and geological times 3.4 地层的形成作用 3.4 Stratigraphic formation

3.1概念、定律和地层的接触关系 Concepts, laws contact relationships of strata 311地层与地层学 3.1.1 Strata and stratigraphy 312地层学的基本定律 3.1.2 Basic stratigraphic laws 313地层的接触关系 3.1.3 Contact relationships of strata

3.1 概念、定律和地层的接触关系 Concepts, laws & contact relationships of strata 3.1.1 地层与地层学 3.1.1 Strata and stratigraphy 3.1.2 地层学的基本定律 3.1.2 Basic stratigraphic laws 3.1.3 地层的接触关系 3.1.3 Contact relationships of strata

3.1.1 Strata stratigraphy Strata: All layered rocks which include all sedimentary rocks. a layered part of igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks 地层:各种层状岩石的统称. 包括所有的沉积岩,部分火成 岩和变质岩 (ICS,1994)

3.1.1 Strata & stratigraphy Strata: All layered rocks, which include all sedimentary rocks, a part of igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks 地层:各种层状岩石的统称. 包括所有的沉积岩,部分火成 岩和变质岩. layered (ICS,1994)

Weathering o Rock cycles Transportat Deposition Uplift and exposure Sediments Igneous rocks (extrusive) Pyroclastic Lava Lithification materials on and cementation) Consolidation Sedimentary rocks Igneous rocks (intrusive) Metamorphic rocks Crystallization Magma Figure 2. 8 The rock cycle shows how Earth' s internal and surface processes are responsible for the origin of the three major rock groups An ideal cycle includes the events on the outer margin of the cycle, but interruptions indicated by internal arrows commonly take place

Rock cycles

Stratigraphy Stratigraphy, from Latin stratum Greek graphic, is the study of all rock bodies forming the Earth's crust and their organization into distinctive,useful, mappable units based on their inherent properties or attributes in order to establish Stratigraphic their distribution and relationship Infor nation in space and their succession in time, and to interpret geologic history ystem 地层学研究层状岩石形成的先后 顺序、地质年代、时空分布规律 (狭义)和形成环境条件及其物理、 化学性质的地质学分支学科她的 核心目标就是建立地球科学的时间 坐标

Stratigraphy, from Latin stratum + Greek graphia, is the study of all rock bodies forming the Earth's crust and their organization into distinctive, useful, mappable units based on their inherent properties or attributes in order to establish their distribution and relationship in space and their succession in time, and to interpret geologic history. 地层学:研究层状岩石形成的先后 顺序、地质年代、时空分布规律 (狭义)和形成环境条件及其物理、 化学性质的地质学分支学科.她的 核心目标就是建立地球科学的时间 坐标。 Stratigraphy

200 排 International stratigraphic chartMa 叫團團 35212 OuSe 508± Upper 374512 Paleogene Mie 3a1日土2 186 1647 337512 1677± 40702 4160t2 经ts 417127 Pado 7246 L Aeseeeee 11608A 1365 15 1B6+ 426224Ao Neo 208±1 N 42志2 280c Upper Placee 284t 220t 43a0t1 39101 237.02 245日主 44561 facade 4Q7 45 EnarchaanI towr mmi retires 48091 2 Longan 253807 4 Halosere 6170 4761 65 4831 e age Global sandau 2760 an ovarain of the irtametena 2H44t07 3t1 2M6地 5130±2 ratified by the intemational unon of Geological Sciences uUGS 360 342D Epaooes, 1977-81 d ICS (RomE 20±1 301 古宙+元古宙:12个GSSA 3453土21 显生宙:46+40=96个GSSP

太古宙+元古宙:12个GSSA 显生宙: 46+40=96个GSSP Ma 200 4 International stratigraphic chart

312地层学的基本定律 3.1.2 Basic stratigraphic laws ●地层叠覆律( principle of superposition) ●原始水平律( Principle of original horizontality) ●原始侧向连续律( principle of original lateral continuity) 由丹麦学者N. Steno(1638 1686)于1669年一次提出 (Steno's stratigraphic axioms)

3.1.2 地层学的基本定律 3.1.2 Basic stratigraphic laws ● 地层叠覆律 (principle of superposition) ●原始 水平 律(Principle of original horizontality) ●原始侧向连续律(principle of original lateral continuity) 由丹麦学者N. Steno(1638- 1686) 于1669年一 次提出 (Steno’s stratigraphic axioms)

地层叠覆律:原始地层自下而上是从老到新的(上新下老) 原始水平律:地层沉积时是近于水平的,而且所有的地层都是平 行于这个水平面的(水平摆放 原始侧向连续律:地层在大区域甚至全球范围内是连续的,或者 延伸到一定的距离逐渐尖灭(侧向连续)。 地层学三定律是构造地质学和地层学的基础 Principle of superposition n any sequence of undisturbed strata (rock layers), the oldest layer is on the bottom and the youngest is on the top. inciple of Original Horizontality Sediments settle from fluids under the influence of gravity, therefore the deposits are nearly horizontal or at very shallow inclines Principle of lateral continuity water-laid stratum, at the time it was formed, must continue laterally in all directions until it thins out as the result of nondeposition or until it abuts against the edge of the original basin of deposition 相邻

地层学三定律是构造地质学和地层学的基础 地层叠覆律:原始地层自下而上是从老到新的(上新下老) 原始水平律: 地层沉积时是近于水平的,而且所有的地层都是平 行于这个水平面的(水平摆放). 原始侧向连续律: 地层在大区域甚至全球范围内是连续的,或者 延伸到一定的距离逐渐尖灭(侧向连续)。 Principle of Superposition In any sequence of undisturbed strata (rock layers), the oldest layer is on the bottom and the youngest is on the top. Principle of Original Horizontality Sediments settle from fluids under the influence of gravity, therefore the deposits are nearly horizontal or at very shallow inclines. Principle of Lateral Continuity A water-laid stratum, at the time it was formed, must continue laterally in all directions until it thins out as the result of nondeposition or until it abuts against the edge of the original basin of deposition. 相邻



At edge of a Pinchout(c), depositional basin( Intertonguing Faulting followed by (d), Lateral gradation(e) Lateral termination of stratal layers d tgr Ite VeG Behl Come的 n Persson/en的py g“--me m Sedimentary facies chank ' n with the depositional Time 1 environments while the fossils change mainly with time North Island. New Zealand

Lateral termination of stratal layers Pinchout (c), Intertonguing (d), Lateral gradation (e) a b North Island, New Zealand c d e At edge of a depositional basin (a); Faulting followed by erosion (b) Sedimentary facies change with the depositional environments, while the fossils change mainly with time

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