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中国地质大学(武汉):《地史学 Historical Geology》第一章 绪论 Introduction(主讲:龚一鸣、何卫红)

1 What is Historical Geology 2 Why do we study Historical Geology 3 How do we study Historical Geology

地史学/ Historical geology 龚一鸣,何卫红(中国地质大学地学院,武汉) 电话:027-62569554(M;-67884892(;-62161059,-67884520 Email:yigong@cug.edu.cn;whzhang@cug.edu.cn 第一章绪论 Chapter 1. Introduction 1 What is Historical Geology 2 Why do we study Historical Geology 3 How do we study Historical geology

地史学/Historical Geology 1 What is Historical Geology 2 Why do we study Historical Geology 3 How do we study Historical Geology 第一章 绪论 Chapter 1. Introduction 龚一鸣,何卫红(中国地质大学地学院,武汉) 电话:027-62569554(M); -67884892(H);-62161059,-67884520 Email: ymgong@cug.edu.cn; whzhang@cug.edu.cn

I What is Historical Geology? 定义对象-内容简史 Characterize Characterize Characterize 4大圈层,3个层次 Understand Understand Understand istorical geology is the study of the Predict Predict origin and evolution of Earth. Geologists are interested not only in placing events in 1998-2002 2003-2010 2010 and beyond a chronological sequence but, more impor- tantly, in explaining how and why past events took place. Recently, historical geol ogy has taken on even greater importance Air Water because scientists in many disciplines are Looking to the past to help explain current events(such as short- and long-term cli- matic changes) and using this information Land Life try and predict future trends

1 What is Historical Geology? 定义-对象-内容-简史 4大圈层,3个层次

Research objects for geohistory in space i Degassing Gases released tion c Core FIGURE 1.1 The atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, mantle, and core can all be thought of as subsystems of Earth.The tions of these subsystems are what make Earth a dynamic planet, which has evolved and changed since its origin 4.6 billion years ago

Research objects for geohistory in space

Present Gciafernon!. Cenozoic Era m小 ge Mesozoic era Triassic 245 mg Pennsuivaniain ississiopn Paleozoic Era n 570 8 ofe 2500 Archeon precambrian on cryptozoic Eon 3800my H 1500 my m 4=million gears

Research objects for geohistory in time

Research contents of Historical Geology o/450Ma SAAA 生物史生物圈 基本事实→ 沉积史气/水圈 相互关系→ 构造史岩石圈 把握现在-预 测未来

生物史-生物圈 沉积史-气/水圈 构造史-岩石圈 基本事实→ 相互关系→ 把握现在-预 测未来 TA ZT ZQ QT LS IN 秦 岭 华 南 原 特 提 冈瓦纳陆块群 昆仑 CAI 古 亚 洲 斯 CA YZ NC O/450Ma Research contents of Historical Geology

推测的人类第1“代” 祖先(38亿年前) 生物史与人类家谱 推测的人类第 39代”祖先 (6百万年前) 据舒,20最接近人类的第18“代”祖先(53亿年前) Vertebrates were not supposed to be this old Foss Myiloeunmungna 尾明鱼 fengjropa, Chenglang ∑42

最接近人类的第18“代”祖先(5.3亿年前) 昆明鱼 推测的人类第 39“代”祖先 (6百万年前) 6Ma 推测的人类第1“代” 祖先(38亿年前) 据舒德干,2004 生 物 史 与 人 类 家 谱 ~∑42

Outline of Geohistory Sed Paleogeography. 沉积古地理学 Stratigraphy 地层学 Historical tectonics-历史大地构造学 Cenozoic history Phanerozoic Mesozoic through Proterozoic L Palaeozoic time Archaean Bio-, sed- tectono-history

Outline of Geohistory History through time Phanerozoic Proterozoic Archaean Cenozoic Mesozoic Palaeozoic Sed. Paleogeography-沉积古地理学 Stratigraphy-地层学 Historical tectonics-历史大地构造学 Bio-, sed-, tectono-history

Sed-paleogeography: How to reconstruct paleoenvironments SPECMAP 8180 Layer of time history of environmental fluctuations E 3 3 Figure 8.4 Halite pseudomorphs on the bases of sand- stone beds from a thinly interbedded sandstone/siltstone sequence: larger pseudomorphs with stepped'hopper sedimentary sequences faces Proterozoic, Independence Fjord Group, N. Green-

Layer of time & history of 1 environmental fluctuations 2 3 1 2 3 3 2 1 sedimentary sequences 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 SPECMAP 18O 800 760 720 680 640 600 560 520 480 440 400 360 320 280 240 200 160 120 80 40 0 Age(kyr) Sed-paleogeography: How to reconstruct paleoenvironments

Stratigraphy: How to date geological records and establish event sequences 100+2......... Mineral at time of crystallization Atoms of parent element Atoms of daughter element .... Mineral after one half-life 525 2[:… Mineral after two half-lives 言12.5 ∷1 Minera 3 after Time Units

Stratigraphy: How to date geological records and establish event sequences PTB

Orbital forcing is the bridge between anthropologic time units GTS FREQUENCY YEARS ORBITAL CYCLES 1。Ga Masatissabewcalaris GALACTIC YEAR GALACTIC 10。Ma BAND 10 Ma 1.0 Ma ECCENTRICITY MILANKOVITCH100Ka OBL/QUITY BAND PRECESS/ON 10 K2 PERIHELION 1。Ka HALE 2005 Calendar SOLAR 100a LUNAR NODAL January 色,。,的 BAND POLE ECLIPTIC SOLAR YEAR 2: CHANDLER 1 ANNUAL EQUINOX Fe: 2 :32 CALENDAR 0.1 a LUNAR MONTH BAND 001a SPRING TIDES n。, DAIL o-001 a TIDAL Fig. 1. Logarithmic table of orbital periods which exert 2 722 gravitational effects on Earth, or which which exert orbitally forced changes in the temporal energy

Orbital forcing is the bridge between anthropologic time units & GTS

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