自主互动课点评与补充 (sedimentary palaeogeography-4) 点评/ Comments补充/ supplements Fluvial Braided streat Meandering stream nd d Desert Alluvial fans 自主互动课安排 Continental Playa lakes Ice deposition (moraines) 06-05-10三);教3701 Fluvial deposition (outwash) Glacial lakes Stream dominate Delta Wave dominated Tide dominated Transitional environments Beach 每班由一名同学主讲,一名同学补充 Beach Barrier island Sand dune (15PPT+5);∑提问-回答讨论25; 老师点评与补充30∑80+25+30=135 Continental 010041-蔡闹:河流 Carbonate 011041-施秋华:三角洲 environments Submarine fans 011042-学委:滨浅海 and rise 011043-金晓波:半深海、深海 Pelagic clay 蔡闹负责收集好4个PPT
自主互动课点评与补充 (sedimentary palaeogeography-4) ● 点评/Comments● 补充/supplements 自主互动课安排 06-05-10(三); 教3-701 每班由一名同学主讲,一名同学补充 (15’PPT + 5’); ∑提问-回答-讨论25’; 老师点评与补充30’. ∑80’+25’+30’=135’ 010041-蔡闹:河流 011041-施秋华:三角洲 011042-学委:滨-浅海 011043-金晓波:半深海、深海 蔡闹负责收集好4个PPT
Why dont students learn what teachers teach? Tell me, and I forget; teach me, and I may remember; involve me, and I learn. Benjamin Franklin 知识:学会(知道)→学懂(知其源)→学通(知其所以源) What 少Ho 气质/ temperament 外在的 大 exterior 学 素质 diathesis学 内在的 习 action inherent 的 四 能力/ ability 个 层 外在的 次 不会 exterior goal-directed appro 知识/ knowledge
Why don’t students learn what teachers teach? “Tell me, and I forget; teach me, and I may remember; involve me, and I learn.” ( Benjamin Franklin ) 知识:学会(知道)→学懂(知其源)→学通(知其所以源) 知识/knowledge 能力/ability 素质/diathesis 外在的 exterior 内在的 inherent What Why How 气质/temperament 外在的 exterior 大 学 学 习 的 四 个 层 次 不会 会
How to reconstruct paleoenvironments Fossils Lithofacies Geochemistry Taxonomic uniformitarianism: Actualism: comparison Interpretation of chemical comparison with nearest living with products of signatures: comparison with relatives and communities present-day processes present-day signatures and known controls Determination of physical Determination of physical Determination of chemical and biological aspects of aspects of environment spects of environment environment Palaeoenvironmental model Figure 16.1 The palaeoenvironmental model: determination of palaeoenvironments fron fossils, lithofacies and geochemistry
How to reconstruct paleoenvironments
flood basin former channel filled with sediments point bar deposits M:natural levee Crevasse-afzettingen .. gravelly sand natural levee clay (fining upwards sequence sandy clay/fine sand gravel (channel lag) crevasse-deposits sand with some lateral accretion surfaces older deposits gravel Block diagram of a meandering river Model for fluvial facies
Model for fluvial facies
Meandering deposits,东天山,D sy口扇 Binary- strean channel+ concave floodplain)
Crevasse splay-决口扇 Binary structures (stream channel+concave floodplain ) Meandering deposits,东天山,D
Meandering deposits,东天山,D1
Meandering deposits,东天山,D1
顶积层 前积层 底积层 pset Distributary channel Lake Foreset beds Bottomset eas (a Prograding delta-1 FIGURE 4.16 (a)Internal structure of the simplest type of prograding delta (b)A small delta in which bottomset, foreset, and topset beds are visible
顶积层 前积层 底积层 Prograding delta-1
Marsh vegetation Marsh facies Delta deposits Seaward Sea level Pro delta silty clay facies Offshore clay faci FIGURE 6.6 Diagrammatic section through a growing delta showing time lines and marking successive positions of the delta surface passing through different sedimentary facies. If eventually converted to rock, the resulting formations will be younger in the direction of delta growth
Delta deposits
30 Erosive-based unit of Subaqueous deposits trough cross-bedded of distributary channel sandstones with extension. in bar inte embedded siltstones crest area -副 25 胙mi Wavy and cross-laminated Intermediate depth siltstones with fr uth bar 20 H loading … Vertical sequence oO of fluvial-dominated delt od Banded or striped PROGRADATION OF silty mudstones with FLUⅥ AL-DOMINATED planolites DELTA FRONT 10 Fissile black mudstones ith abundant OfFshore/prodelta PLANOLITES and thin bands and nodules of Ironstone 0 2. 10 Idealized representation of a fluvial-dominated delta front sequence. After Elliot (1978a)
Vertical sequence of fluvial -dominated delta What is the characteristics of delta facies ?
B 顶积层一含基本上 平的砾石 D 前积层 倾斜10-25 的砂砾层 D cD 底积层 缓斜细粒沉积物 图8-16三角洲沉积体结构 ( EGillert, 1885, Barrell, 1912)
Architecture in delta Vertical Sedimentary