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26.1 Introduction 26.2 Carriers and channels form water soluble paths through the membrane 26.3 Ion channels are selective 26.4 Neurotransmitters control channel activity 26.5 G proteins may activate or inhibit target proteins 26.6 G proteins function by dissociation of the trimer 26.7 Growth factor receptors are protein kinases 26.8 Receptors are activated by dimerization 26.9 Receptor kinases activate signal transduction pathways
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25.1 Introduction 25.2 Oligosaccharides are added to proteins in the ER and Golgi 25.3 The Golgi stacks are polarized 25.4 Coated vesicles transport both exported and imported proteins 25.5 Different types of coated vesicles exist in each pathway 25.6 Cisternal progression occurs more slowly than vesicle movement 25.7 Vesicles can bud and fuse with membranes 25.8 SNAREs control targeting 25.9 The synapse is a model system for exocytosis 25.10 Protein localization depends on specific signals 25.11 ER proteins are retrieved from the Golgi 25.12 Brefeldin A reveals retrograde transport 25.13 Receptors recycle via endocytosis 25.14 Internalization signals are short and contain tyrosine
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一、RNA转录概述 二、细菌的RNA聚合酶及其转录 三、真核生物的RNA聚合酶及其转录 四、真核生物基因转录的启动子 五、Ⅱ类基因转录的转录因子和转录起始复合物
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24.1 Introduction 24.2 Clonal selection amplifies lymphocytes that respond to individual antigens 24.3 Immunoglobulin genes are assembled from their parts in lymphocytes 24.4 Light chains are assembled by a single recombination 24.5 Heavy chains are assembled by two recombinations 24.6 Recombination generates extensive diversity 24.7 Avian immunoglobulins are assembled from pseudogenes 24.8 Immune recombination uses two types of consensus sequence 24.9 Recombination generates deletions or inversions 24.10 The RAG proteins catalyze breakage and reunion 24.11 Allelic exclusion is triggered by productive rearrangement 24.12 DNA recombination causes class switching 24.13 Early heavy chain expression can be changed by RNA processing 24.14 Somatic mutation generates additional diversity 24.15 B cell development and memory 24.16 T-cell receptors are related to immunoglobulins 24.17 The major histocompatibility locus codes for many genes of the immune system
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14.1 Introduction 14.2 Breakage and reunion involves heteroduplex DNA 14.3 Double-strand breaks initiate recombination 14.4 Double-strand breaks initiate snapsis 14.5 Bacterial recombination involves single-strand assimilation 14.6 Gene conversion accounts for interallelic recombination 14.7 Topological manipulation of DNA 14.8 Specialized recombination involves breakage and reunion at specific sites 14.9 Repair systems correct damage to DNA 14.10 Excision repair systems in E. coli 14.11 Controlling the direction of mismatch repair 14.12 Retrieval systems in E. coli 14.13 RecA triggers the SOS system 14.14 Eukaryotic repair systems
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17.1 Introduction 17.2 The mating pathway is triggered by pheromone-receptor interactions 17.3 The mating response activates a G protein 17.4 Yeast can switch silent and active loci for mating type 17.5 The MAT locus codes for regulator proteins 17.6 Silent cassettes at HML and HMR are repressed 17.7 Unidirectional transposition is initiated by the recipient MAT locus 17.8 Regulation of HO expression 17.9 Trypanosomes switch the VSG frequently during infection 17.10 New VSG sequences are generated by gene switching 17.11 VSG genes have an unusual structure 17.12 The bacterial Ti plasmid causes crown gall disease in plants 17.13 T-DNA carries genes required for infection 17.14 Transfer of T-DNA resembles bacterial conjugation 17.15 Selection of amplified genomic sequences 17.16 Transfection introduces exogenous DNA into cells 17.17 Genes can be injected into animal eggs 17.18 ES cells can be incorporated into embryonic mice 17.19 Gene targeting allows genes to be replaced or knocked out
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16.1 Introduction 16.2 The retrovirus life cycle involves transposition-like events 16.3 Retroviral genes codes for polyproteins 16.4 Viral DNA is generated by reverse transcription 16.5 Viral DNA integrates into the chromosome 16.6 Retroviruses may transduce cellular sequences 16.7 Yeast Ty elements resemble retroviruses 16.8 Many transposable elements reside in D. melanogaster 16.9 Retroposons fall into two classes 16.10 The Alu family has many widely dispersed members
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第一节 蛋白质合成体系 第二节 氨基酸的活化 第三节 肽链的生物合成过程 第四节 蛋白质翻译后修饰和靶向输送 第五节 蛋白质生物合成的干扰和抑制
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12.1 Introduction 12.2 Replicons can be linear or circular 12.3 Origins can be mapped by autoradiography and electrophoresis 12.4 The bacterial genome is a single circular replicon 12.5 Each eukaryotic chromosome contains many replicons 12.6 Isolating the origins of yeast replicons 12.7 D loops maintain mitochondrial origins 12.8 The problem of linear replicons
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第一节DNA复制的基本过程和共同特点 第二节原核生物DNA的复制 第三节真核生物DNA的复制 第四节某些病毒DNA的复制
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