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reward l. reward sb. with sth.用某物报答酬谢/奖励某人 2. reward sb. for sth.因某事而报答酬谢奖励某人 3 rewarding adj. helpful有益的;值得做的e.g. Make the extra effort to impress theinterviewers and you will be likely to berewarded with a better job with a bettersalary.如果你能多花些心思,给面试的考官留下深刻的印象,那么你就可能得到一个比较好的、工资也很高的工作。次大注意区分与 award之间的不同
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Intensive stud Lighten Your Load and save Your life Para.1 If you often feel angry and overwhelmed, like the stress in your life is spinning out of control, then you may be hurting your heart. Para. 2 If you dont want to break your own heart, you need to learn to take charge of your life where you can-and recognize there are many things beyond your control
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I. Listening skills Identifying the main Information to go Hong Kong would also like me to visit him. What should I do w: You may miss your uncle and be sorry about not seeing Hong Kong, but I really think driving from city to city with friends would be more fun uncle Hong ko fu
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unit 9 Here are the seasons to be jolly I. Basic listening practice the holidays people celebrate, Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day . which are the most important to you? M: Christmas and easter, because they mark events in Jesus Christ's life: his birth and
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II. Listening Skills Making Calculations 1. W: It sounds expensive. Why did they charge you so much for repairing the computer? M: Well, its $25 for labor to start with. A new modern cost another 50 bucks. On top of that I needed a new battery, and it cost $17
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Flying there is not half the fun I. Basic listening Practice I Script M: would you prefer a window or an aisle seat, madam? W: Aisle, please. If there's none left, then a wind. w seat is Ok. But I don't like middle seats。 Q: what is the order of the womans preference? C: aisle-wingdow-minddle
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Uint10 I. Basic listening Practice 1. Script W: Many Chinese students are too shy to say anything in a classroom M: I think they dont speak because their culture values modesty, and they dont want to appear to be showing off. Goes back to Confucius
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Basic listening Practice 1. Script W: Let me recommend my brother to you. He's really done well in the stock market over the last M: The real question is this: How have you dine by taking his advice Q: What does the man mean?
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Uint I. Basic listening practice 1. Script M: We offer all kinds of tours and excursions. do you have anything particular in W: Not really, we'd just like to see the local sights and have an English speaking guide. It would be good if they were someone local too. My husband is interested in the local stories and folklore
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Ⅱ. Listening skills Understanding Times and dates w: Oh, look at the clock It's 5: 15. I'll be late for Jennifer's birthday party! I was supposed to leave at 5 o'clock M: Don't worry! You still have some time. The clock is twenty minutes fast Q What time is it now?
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