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《英国概况》(英文版) 4 Multiple choice
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1. the United Kingdom of great Britain and northern Ireland 2. England: Scotland Wales 3. European Union 4. Multiracial; non-European 5. Britain's center: the three: the world
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英国古典经济学的渊源 古典经济学开始于重农学派,集大成于亚当·斯 密。1764年斯密担任贝克莱公爵的私人教师, 陪同公爵去法国旅行,在巴黎居住了很长时间 ,结识了魁奈、杜尔哥等人,并开始《国富论 》的写作 ·重农学派的代表性人物:弗朗斯瓦·魁奈(1694 ~1774);雅克·杜尔哥(1721~1781) ·重农学派主张经济自由主义、重视农业、维护 私有产权
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1. The full name of the United Kingdom is d 2. The island of Great Britain is made up ofnd 3. The United Kingdom has been a member ofsince 1973
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III Multiple choice 1. Britain does not share land border with any other countries except A. france B. Holland C. Italy D. The Republic of Ireland 2. The island of great Britain is divided into parts
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I. Explanations London 2. the British isles 3. Robin hood 4. the Anglo-Saxons 5. the vikings King arthur 678 King harold
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Chapter 6 British literature Time Allocation: 4 Focal points early British literature concerned with Christianity, characteristics of the 19th century literature . Introduction
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Chapter 3 The Government of the United Kingdom Time Allocation: periods Focal Points: the formation of the government; the Monarch; Parliament;the Prime Minister; the Cabinet. Focus questions: 1. What is the central government made up of?(The monarch, Parliament, and the cabinet)
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Chapter 2 Northern ireland Time Allocation: 2 periods Focal Points: physical features of Northern Ireland, the religious conflicts between the irish and the british I. General Introduction When we talk about the United Kingdom, we cant neglect Northern Ireland. This part is the smallest part with an area of about 14, 160 square kilometers and a population of about
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专利制度的产生和发展 起源于欧洲,随商品经济的发展而产生并逐渐发 展。专利制度萌芽于1474年的威尼斯共和国,但最 早制定现代专利法的国家是英国。我国于1985年4月 正式实施《中华人民共和国专利法》。现在世界上有 100多个国家建立了专利制度
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