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1982年北京大学毕业后入选CUSBEA留美项目,1983年赴美 国加州大学洛山矶分校攻读博士学位。1988年获博士学位后在 加州理工学院从事博士后研究。1991年到卡罗拉多大学执教, 先后任助理教授、副教授、教授。97年被遴选为著名的休斯医 学研究所研究员。发现Ras途径在发育中的作用,所领导的研 究组在细胞信号转导和发育方面有诸多重要贡献,在Cell, Nature, Science等刊物上发表了多篇论文并获专利2项
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Bacterial chemical components Water: free water and compound water. Inorganic salt: phosphus, potassium magnesium,calcium, nitrium,etc. Protein: 50%-80% of dry weight accordingbacterial kinds and age. Sugar: mainly distributing in cell wall andcapsule. Lipids: composed of lipid, fatty acid, wax, etc. Nucleic acid: RNA and DNA
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Lecture 2 1.5 The Historical Roots of Microbiology 1.6 Microbial Diversity and the Advent ofMolecular Microbiology 2.1 Elements of Cell and Viral Structure 2.2 Arrangement of DNA in Microbial Cells 2.3 The Tree of Life
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Cells reproduce via a cell cycle Meiosis is the key to sexual reproduction and Mendel’s rules Sex determination, sex linkage and chromosome nondisjunction supported the chromosome theory
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Classification of diabetes(ADA-1997) Type 1 (beta-cell destruction, usually leading to absolute insulin deficiency) Autoimmune Idiopathic
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生命体是多层次、非线性、多侧面的复杂结构体系, 而细胞是生命体的结构与生命活动的基本单位,有 了细胞才有完整的生命活动
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The generation of metabolic energy is a major activity of all cells, and two cytoplasmic organelles are specifically devoted to energy metabolism and the production of ATP. Mitochondria are responsible for generating most of the useful energy from the breakdown of lipids and carbohydrates, and chloroplasts
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一. 名词解释 细胞学说 核小体 端粒 桥粒 核纤层 信号肽,导肽 当家基因,奢侈基因
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一,名词解释 核孔复合体 肌醇磷脂信号通路 过氧化物酶体 细胞质基质 Signal Sequence a nd Signal patch
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一,名词解释 中等纤维 马达分子或动力蛋白 核孔复合体 膜基质 微管和微丝的联系蛋白 着丝粒和端粒
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